
So often we feel the world does not offer up what we deserve.  We feel like while we work and slave and give, the world is stingy with its rewards.  But I wonder sometimes if the rewards come unrecognized and without remark.  I wonder if when the rewards have come to me, my overriding feeling is not gratitude, but rather, “it’s about time.”

But this holiday season, I’ve had such astonishing instances of grace in my life, I can’t help but notice them.  By grace I mean moments where I receive gifts that are completely undeserved and that I can’t possibly hope to pay back.  There is no tally or reason that I can use to justify these gifts.  There’s no global gift exchange that has this stuff on the registry.  There is no way to completely even up this reward system.  All I can do is fall on my knees and be grateful.

It makes me wonder how many other slightly smaller instances of grace have passed by unnoticed and unmarked.  The fact I have a wonderful family.  The fact that I have another brand spanking new year in front of me.  The fact that I have sunshine and clean water and air to breathe.  The fact that I have friends and a mission and meaningful work to do.  None of these things are “earned”.  They are gifts, pure and simple.  And one of my great overarching goals for the new year is to spend more time recognizing these gifts every day.

My dear friends, I hope your new year is full of all that you hope for and all that you need.  And whether or not you’ve earned it, or deserve it, or it’s your turn, I pray that your life is full of outrageously wonderful gifts for which you would have occasion to feel unreservedly grateful.


The Fat Chick

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