
The first day of spring was a while back.  But I have to admit, for me spring starts with Easter.  This is a time of year where I yearn for renewal.  I tend to take a look at my life, see what seems to be working, and figure out how to strengthen those things.  I also take a look at what isn’t working and throw those things out.  Oh, and this is the time of year that I start cleaning like a wild, rabid banshee.  But that’s a different story.

But I think this time of evaluation is so important.  I tend to get really busy and get really focused on finishing the next task on the list.  So it’s really easy for me to lose track of whether or not things should even be on the list.  The older I get, the better I understand that I just can’t do everything I want to do.  I have to prioritize.  I have to choose.

So while I sweep and polish and scrub and throw stuff out, I’m also spending time spring cleaning my life.  A few of this year’s revelations:

1.  Envy can help me figure out what I really want in my life that I am not getting.  But it can also sap me of my strength.  This year, I’d like to hold onto envy just long enough to give me a kick in the pants and help me revise my priorities to focus on getting what I want and then show envy the door.

2.  I also spend more time angry than is really useful.  This year, I’d like to hold onto anger just long enough figure out if it can attach to meaningful action. If there is an action to take I will take it.  Then I will take that anger and just dump it.

3.  I spend way too much time Plants vs. Zombies and Burger Shop 2.  I won’t link to these games because they are like crack cocaine for casual gamers.  Seriously.  This year, I’d like to figure out what scary things in my life I’m avoiding while making virtual burgers and blowing up the undead and then go do those things.

I think you can see, that this year, I feel I need to focus more on action.  I have so many ideas in my head that seem super cool.  But I’ll never really know if they are super cool or kinda stupid until I just go do them.

So how about you?  Got some “spring cleaning” you need to do in your life?  Wanna share?  I’d love to hear from you!  Because sharing time with you is one of my big priorities for 2013 as well.


The Fat Chick


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