PGMU406248059410Spent a wonderful afternoon at the Page Museum next to the La Brea Tar Pits.  It was super fun and we were spoiled for choice in terms of stuff that weighs more than me.  The saber toothed cat (not tiger) pictured above fit the bill quite nicely.  As did many other critters like the sloths.  But for sheer hugeness, I have selected as today’s stuff that weighs more than me, the Columbian Mammoth.

ColumbianMammothThis bad boy (Mammuthus columbi) was pretty darn big.  He lived in North America during the late Pleistocene Era.  Ready for the stats?  Copy that!

Height:  12 to 13 ft.

Tusks: Up to 14 ft. long

Diet: Herbivore, so like salad.  700 pounds per day of salad.

Weight: 7 to 9 metric tons



Love, Jeanette DePatie (AKA The Fat Chick)

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