texrandall2My dear (and extremely awesome) friend Donna sent me this picture from her recent trek across the country.  (Her search for the world’s biggest frying pan continues…)  She pointed out that this big cowboy just outside of Amarillo Texas is pretty darn big and thus is likely to fall into the category of “stuff that weighs more than me.”  After just a little research I have concluded that indeed, Tex Randall is big enough to fit the bill.

The Tex Randall statue lives in Canyon, Texas.  He was built by industrial arts teacher Harry Wheeler in 1959 to promote his western curio shop.  Apparently when originally created, the statue was clothed in real denim jeans and a real fabric red checked shirt which were provided by a local tent and awning company.

Over the years Tex has had a fairly rough and tumble life.  He’s endured 100 MPH winds, the clothes deteriorating off his body, a truck collision with his left boot and having the original cigarette shot right out of his hand.  These days Tex’s clothes are painted on, and the original cigarette has been replaced by a spur, but Tex lives on in all of his magnificent, gigantic, glory.  Here’s the stats:

Materials: concrete with an internal structure of pipe, rebar and wire mesh.

Height: 47 feet

Weight: 7 tons

Conclusion: Tex Randall weighs more than me.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your fabulous pictures could also be featured in this blog.  I’m always looking for great local landmarks and statues and stuff for the Stuff that Weighs More than Me section.  I’d love it if you’d send me some photos with a little basic background information to me at jeanette at the fat chick dot com.


The Fat Chick

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