[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQNTp0UPiSY] This week on episode 2 of “The Right Now Show with Jeanette DePatie (AKA The Fat Chick) I’ll be talking about a fabulous activism project created by the Size Diversity Task Force (of which I am a proud member).  The Size Diversity Task Force is asking folks to “liberate” diet books from thrift shops and rummage sales and donate the pages to the SDTF.  The group will then take the pages and use them to create a world-record breaking paper-mache sculpture!  You can learn more about it here:
Paper Mache in a Big, Big Way

Oh and if you’d like to win extra special bonus points and save the planet while you’re liberating diet books, check out this video created by Julianne Wotasik and Ragen Chastain:

I had so much fun working on this trailer.  And I liberated over 1,500 pages for the cause just in one day!  It was easy!  Thanks so much for your interest in the show.  Remember, I’m collecting ideas for future shows so drop me an email at jeanette at thefatchick dot com to let me know what you’d like me to talk about.

And to make sure you don’t miss a single episode of The Right Now! Show, don’t forget to subscribe to this channel.

Jeanette DePatie
AKA The Fat Chick

P.S. Tonight I’ll also be doing a Teleseminar with Anne Cuthbert.  You can sign up for free right HERE! I’ll be speaking at 5:00 PM (PST) and I can’t wait to take your questions about how to set up fitness resolutions that won’t leave you sad, sick, injured or dead!

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