Well, like everybody everywhere I’m thinking over 2014 and making plans for 2015.  At first I was a little worried that my post for today wouldn’t be all that original, or exciting or awesome.  And then I said, aw the heck with it.  I’m not going to worry about that, because my plan for 2015 is Laugh More. Worry Less.

After all. Bobby McFerrin’s video for Don’t Worry Be Happy has over 30 Million views, so there’s probably something to that, right? (Of course, now I’m worrying that I don’t have enough views on my YouTube channel. Aaargh!  Time to sing….)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU]

In 2014, I faced (and am still facing) a number of health problems.  It kind of sucks.  I spent some time this morning worrying that I did some stuff to cause those health problems.  And then I remembered that I was supposed to be doing less worrying this year.  Because worrying doesn’t seem to help me to get healthier or feel better.  In fact, I’m pretty sure that worrying makes everything worse.  So I need to stick with the program here.

Then I started worrying that I am starting my whole new year worrying about worrying.  So I said the heck with it and ate the leftover creme brulee from last night’s French New Year’s Eve dinner.  And then I felt better.

So I’ve amended my plan to Laugh More. Worry Less.  Eat dessert for breakfast.

And then, as I looked for videos to add to this post, I found out there is a super cool dance to Bobby’s song in the game Just Dance. And aside from rocking some super fun dance moves, I had to admire the dancers in the video for their fabulous socks. As many of you know, I’m a bit of an over achiever, so I had to add on.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8AG8Yqpm3s]

So my grand 2015 plan is: Laugh More. Worry Less. Eat DESSERT For Breakfast. Dance Whenever Possible. AND Wear Awesome Socks.

Seems like a workable plan.

Thanks for all of your love and support over the past  year.  I hope your new year is full of love and laughter, devoid of needless fretting and as full of dancing, awesome socks and creme brulee as you can possibly handle.


Jeanette DePatie (AKA The Fat Chick)

P.S. If your new years resolution includes the desire to do some physical fitness type stuff, why not head over to fit fatties and sign  up for the Virtual Decathlon?!  Last year was EPIC and you don’t want to miss it.  Click HERE to join in the fun!

6 Comments. Leave new

  • I saw the greatest t-shirt last week on one of my Walkie Talkie Sessions Jeanette, it said, ”
    Don’t Worry, Be Yonce” Just made me giggle! All the best for 2015 and I hope our paths cross in person! Hugs, Deah

  • My resolution is to keep striving to broaden my horizons. This year I’m trying to convince my husband to go to Japan. I’ve never been on a plane or out of the country I’m tired of living in fear of the what if. Have you ever traveled out of the country or long distance on a plane? I need travel tips for a curvy lady and I don’t know anyone like me that’s done this.

  • That’s HILARIOUS! Thanks Deah!

  • This blog makes me happy. 🙂

  • Hi, just wanted to say that I really like your blog. I’m pretty small and never realized how much weight stigma exists on an every day basis and even how much I personally was contributing to it. I remember when I used to go clothes shopping with my best friend, who is bigger, I would always hand her an M to try on. Not because I honestly thought it would fit her but because I thought it would be rude to hand her an XL (now I feel like a douchebag for doing that). We actually stopped going eventually because there were barely any stores that we both liked and that carried both of our sizes, which is pretty sad 🙁
    Anyway, happy new year and I hope you feel better soon!

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