PADS Saturday–Grandpa Pushes It Good!

As the nearby “Cabin Fire” has us coughing and staying inside, I thought I’d cheer myself (and you) up with a PADS Saturday.  What is a PADS Saturday you ask?  PADS Saturday is a semi regular Saturday-only blog feature which includes


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I ran across this video and frankly love everything about it (except the comments of course).  This guy has got it going ON!  There is no questioning his commitment.  And this guy has got some incredibly strong hamstrings, quads and glutes.  Check it out when he goes down low.  And slides to the floor.  And, and, and!  His dancing partner has some great moves too.  But I have to say for inventiveness, for committing fully to getting his groove on and to rocking it out while not dropping his cell phone (note the clip) this guy wins the Internetz for today!

And I would be remiss if I didn’t invite you to collect just a little sumthin, sumthin from this guy’s mojo.  Where are you holding back?  Where are you making yourself smaller or less than?  And how can you get out there and PUSH IT–PUSH IT REAL GOOD?


Jeanette DePatie  (AKA The Fat Chick)

P.S. Today is the LAST DAY to submit to the fat fitness anthology.  Let us hear from YOU.

bald, dance, dance moves, EPIC, fat, grandpa, PADS Saturday, Push It, WV
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