It’s so funny how the mind works isn’t it?  This week I went to the Farmer’s market in Monrovia and picked up some of the sweetest, juiciest and most luscious strawberries you ever saw.  And I thought, ‘those strawberries are SEXY!’  The idea of equating strawberries with sex is hardly new.  Add a little candlelight and whipped cream and well, one thing will lead to another, ya know?  But what struck me this week is that although strawberries are healthy, they aren’t skinny.  And if we used skinny terminology on strawberries, they don’t sound good at all.  Toned, thin, strong, skinny, trim strawberries?  Yuck!  What those strawberries were is ripe.  And ripe is sexy.

So instead of thinking of myself in weight-driven, glossy, model terms, I’m thinking of myself in terms of fruit.  This week, I’m a sexberry.  I’m round, full, ripe, juicy, sweet, and luscious, honey.  And I’m just a tiny bit tart just to keep things interesting.  So you just keep an eye on this blog.   You never know what will turn up.

The Fat Chick

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