Saw this image by Kayden Hines

on the Book of Face today and I love it so much.  There are so many reasons:

  1. I love cheese.  Like I am a wine drinking Wisconsin native with French ancestry.  It’s RIDICULOUS how much I love cheese.
  2. But if you want a really good cheese tray,  I’m talking a mega, Hollywood A-level party on a plate, you don’t want all your cheeses to be the same.  I want to follow up that gorgonzola with a triple cream St. Andre and then the thinnest whisper of a 5-year extra sharp cheddar.   I mean I love cheddar.  But a whole tray of cheddar is just not as interesting as a fabulous mix of awesomeness.  It’s the same with people.  I love a variety.  Tall, short, skinny, fat, old, young, blond, grey, auburn, brown, I love ’em all!  Check out this crew from my new DVD:
    EveryBODY Can Exercise: Senior Edition.
  3. We are all different, but we share some things in common.  Like being insecure.  Hell even cheese can be insecure.
  4. Point #1 times infinity.
  5. I was going to say something pithy, but I’m going to go find some queso instead.


Jeanette DePatie

AKA The Fat Chick
