My newfound FAME, in the Pasadena Star News led to an opportunity to teach at a kids health camp in Duarte last week.  I led a 45-minute exercise class with about 25 young kids in it.  Was it ever a blast!  The kids were excited and enthusiastic about trying something new.  We did “dance around the world” with songs from Africa, Spain, Ireland, India, France and China.  We didn’t talk much about exercise and we certainly didn’t talk about thinning our thighs.  Some of the kids were genuinely surprised when I used the word “fat”.  There were a few snickers and giggles, but mostly the kids just got down to the business of having a really good time.

And that’s the point, right?

One of the problems with adult exercise is that so often, we lose track of what exercise’s primary objective SHOULD be, which is having fun.  The minute exercise becomes about something else–fitting into a bathing suit, reducing numbers on a scale, toning your upper arms, the fun just leaks away.  And once the thrill is gone, it becomes a chore.  And we all know how we all feel about adding one more chore, right?

That’s why it was so awesome dancing with these kids.  They were doing it just for the joy of it.  Nobody told them it was supposed to be hard work for them–so it wasn’t.  So my dear chicklettes, that’s my wish for you.  Take your inner child outside and play.  Swing on some swings.  Turn around in a circle until you get dizzy and fall down.  Turn on some fun music and boogie!  Above all, have fun.

The Fat Chick

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