Okay, sorry kids.  The blog post is late today.  But I have an excuse.  You see I’m another year older.  Well technically, I’m only one day older than yesterday.  But I just celebrated the dreaded B-day with all the accompanying happy wishes on Facebook and desolate dread surrounding my own mortality.

Don’t get me wrong.  Birthdays can be awesome.  But they are also a reminder that another year has passed that I will never get back again.  And I like to think it’s a kick my pants reminding me to go out there and DO what I was put on this earth to do.  Because darlin’, ain’t none of us gonna last forever.  We only get one go around.

One thing I was put on earth to do, is eat birthday cake.  I will do that.  Cake will happen.  Morbid thoughts will lessen.  My mood will brighten.

But the other thing I was put on earth to do is to encourage YOU my dear Chicklettes to get on out there and grab the brass ring.  Go out there and have a second helping of awesome because you only have one life and you should enjoy it to the very dregs.  Don’t let anything hold you back or anyone get in your way.  Oh and eat cake.  Cake is important.


The Fat Chick

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