I had a chance to put some of my steps technique into practice yesterday as I jetted off on a last minute jaunt to New York City.  I’m going to be interviewed on the Katie Couric show today and it’s due to air tomorrow (Thursday) on ABC.  To say I’m excited, is an understatement.  Thrilled, terrified, hopping up and down with adrenal glands working mega overtime, that’s just the half of it.  But I have to tell you a little secret.  One of the most exciting things so far was arriving at the airport yesterday.  The show sent a driver to pick me up at the airport.  And as I descended the escalator to baggage claim there he was: a very nice, well-dressed man holding up a sign with my name on it.  It may seem like a little thing, but to me it really wasn’t.  I have been flying for over 25 years, and I have always wondered whether one of those well-dressed guys at the airport would hold a sign up with MY name on it.  Yesterday it happened.  I, well I “arrived”.

I wonder sometimes about the life that led me to this point.  I wonder about the hard work and the sacrifices I have made.  I wonder about the many, many sacrifices my parents and my husband have made.  I wonder at the support of my dear friends and the multitudes of blessings I have received, and I guess my feelings all boil down to one thing.  I feel grateful–deeply and humbly grateful for this moment.  As my dear friend Kate advised, I’m breathing deeply and joyfully.  And I’m trying to savor every dang moment of this victory.

I don’t know how the taping will go.  I’m praying that it will go well.  But whatever happens, I’m grateful for this little moment.  For Rocky who drove me to the fancy hotel next to the studio and for that tiny little sign with my name on it.


Jeanette DePatie

AKA The Fat Chick

P.S. The episode is due to air on ABC tomorrow.  So tune in and see how I did.


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