[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to7uIG8KYhg]

So often when it comes to integrating intuitive eating and moderate joyful exercise into our lives, we hear that we should take baby steps.  And by that, what is usually meant is that we should take a series of very small steps, one after the other.  And when it comes to making any changes to eating patterns and exercise patterns, I agree that baby steps are best.

But maybe what I mean by baby steps is less about how small the steps are, and is more about how the steps align with what feels good to our bodies.  Babies and very young children don’t count carbs or calculate how many MET units they have expended in a particular workout.  They don’t eat based on a point system or in order to look great for bathing suit season.  Babies always look great during bathing suit season.  Babies usually eat when they are hungry and quit when they are full.  They eat what they like and what their bodies tell them they want.  And they “exercise” because it feels good and is fun!

I mean check out the pair that is boppin and groovin’ in the exercise above.  They are taking baby steps towards health.  They are in a loving family situation, they hear music and they just rock out with their bad selves.  It’s pretty obvious that they are having a great time!

Why not take some “baby steps” towards health this week?  What would it be like to let your hunger and your taste buds dictate what and when to eat or not eat?  How about putting on some music and bopping around in your chair or grooving around the living room?  Why not put down your diet books and exercise books and just let yourself fully and unreservedly inhabit your body?

All I can say is go baby go!


The Fat Chick

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