Wear what feels good to YOU!

Well it was hot in So Cal this past weekend so I did what every single other red-blooded California resident did and I went to the mall.  I wasn’t really intent on shopping but rather on killing loads of time.  So I went to lots of stores and tried lots of stuff on.  My husband was with me, so naturally he rendered his opinions.

Often as I tried things on, he sent me back to the dressing room with a smaller size.  It’s not that I’m losing weight (I’m not).  It’s just that my renewed body confidence and my supportive husband are encouraging me to come out of the fat closet and wear clothes that actually fit.  Many of the clothes in my closet at home are gorgeous, but at least one size too big.  Often when I try something on that I love, if it shows even a leetle roll or jiggle or chub, I buy one size larger.  A lot of the clothes in my wardrobe hang on me.  Because, somehow, in my little brain, I imagined that if folks couldn’t SEE the rolls or chub or jiggle, they would imagine that it wasn’t there.

Trouble was, they can’t really see my body at all.  And I’m coming to realize that my body is FABULOUS and it’s simply a crime to hide it under a big drape-y thing that is far too large for my frame.  So I’m actively working now to buy clothes that show my body rather than draping it under the wardrobe equivalent of a sheet and hoping that folks imagine my body is fantastic.

Now my little chickadees, I want you to understand that you can wear anything you like.  If you want to wear a muumuu, then by all means do so and feel free to ROCK that thing.  I’m just reminding you that you have a choice.  Maybe you could dare to bare just a little bit.  Show some arms.  Buy a skirt that curves lovingly around your butt.  Wear a shirt that shows off some fantastic cleavage.  Whatever floats your proverbial boat.  Because it’s your fabulous body and you should show it off (or not show it off) any way you darn well please!


The Fat Chick

2 Comments. Leave new

  • All to often you write things that echo the thoughts in my head. I’m getting scared! lol I constantly buy things to big and now I’m beginning to notice that they aren’t always flattering. Particularly in the dance room mirrored walls during tai chi! But the other day I had on clothes that I considered “tight” because I was hanging around the house and I don’t look so bad.

    I really need a fashion makeover. Big time!

  • This post makes me smile. 🙂

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