Well, to say that it’s been a while since I’ve posted is, um, an understatement.  But I’ve got an excuse!  I’m busy out there in the world being SEEN.  This might not seem like a big deal.  After all, my web site has like 20 pictures of me on it.  And my DVD is called The Fat Chick Works Out! for heaven’s sake.  So it would seem that I am out there in the world.  And the answer is, well, kind of.  I’ve been out there in cyberspace.  I’ve been out there in spirit.  But I’ve kind of been hanging out, you know.  Not really putting it out there.  Hoping people would just find me and shower me with love.

But the time has come for me to take a more active role in taking my message out to the world.  And I’ve taken a few baby steps forward.  The picture above is from the NAAFA convention in San Francisco a few weeks ago.  There I am at a vendor table selling my DVDs.  I’m finally saying, “hey, I’m over here.  Come talk to me.”  Believe it or not, even after all these years of working in size acceptance, fitness and health, it was still scary.  What if people don’t like me?  What if they disapprove?  But I got to meet so many AWESOME people.  And I got to listen to so many inspiring stories of people reclaiming fitness for themselves.  It was so exciting.  And it was enough to get this girl right up off her big butt!

I have other exciting news to share, but I think I’ll string it out over a few more posts–but only a few.  Because now that I’ve experienced the exhilaration of being OUT THERE in the world, I don’t think I’ll give it up for a while.  And neither should you!  Take your light out from under that bushel basket.  Wave it around and do an interpretive dance.  Film the whole thing and post it on YouTube!  Because by engaging in your own private act of courage and sharing, you help other people to do the same.

Oh, there you are.  Welcome back.

The Fat Chick

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