Despite all the agony of realizing that you’ve been sprinting down the wrong road, the only way you’ll leave despair and get back to a happier, better you is to make a U-turn.  As with all this philosophical stuff I spout on here, it’s a lot easier to say than to do.

I know what I’m talking about.  Funnily enough I’ve been coping with a little bit of despair this week.  Don’t worry, I’m okay.  It’s more like microtrauma.  But it’s a trauma nonetheless.

And after the 2 hours of wailing, crying, cursing and teeth-gnashing on Monday night in the presence of my poor husband, I had to face the thing head on.  I’m not nearly as together as my Facebook profile might lead you to believe.  I get sad.  I get discouraged.  Hey!  I’m SUFFERING over here!

But being pragmatic as I am (and realizing that I’ve probably already maxed out my whining to hubby time for the WHOLE month of February) I realized that my feelings won’t change unless I change.  I needed to make a U-turn.

A U-turn doesn’t have to be dramatic.  You don’t need to turn your whole life around.  As you probably already know, I don’t go in for that all or nothing stuff.  Just change one thing around.  Make a concerted effort to do one thing differently or change how you handle one thing, and see if it gets you out of the rut.

I decided that I had been feeling isolated, so I made a highly concerted effort to start calling people and setting up actual “dates” and “meeting times” to get together.  I work from home most of the time–which is awesome.  But at some point you realize you’re having long meaningful conversations with the dog and you haven’t washed your hair for days.  And lest I fall ENTIRELY into a Howard Hughes kind of rut, I need to make a U-turn and meet face to face with some real live people.

So if you’re stuck in a rut, what can you change.  How can you make a itty-bitty U-turn to get on a different track.  Turn that car around darlin’ and start driving towards joy!

The Fat Chick 

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