This happy bear shows off his great diving form…

In honor of the Olympics diving competitions, I thought I’d present this awesome looking bear and make a little suggestion.  So often, when we’ve been berated for our weight and looked down upon, when we’ve heard the nasty comments, when we’ve internalized a need to hate our own bodies, we become cautious.  We don’t want to try new things.  We don’t want to wear a swimsuit in public.  We stay wrapped in our robes of familiarity and just occasionally dip our big toe into the water.

Well my little chicklettes, my advice for you today is to pick something–ANYTHING–in your life and dive right in.  Try something new.  Plug your nose and plunge into the deep end of the pool.  In this time with its dog days of summertime heat, it’s easy just to find a shady spot and lay low.  But summertime is also the time when taking the plunge is most refreshing!  So pick one thing that you’re holding back on or waiting for and just go for it!


The Fat Chick

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