I’m so excited!  I’ve been invited by the City of Hope to present fitness information and demonstrations as part of their Eat, Move, Live series.  In these sessions I meet with parents and children and help them learn how to integrate fitness into their daily lives.  We had the first session this past Tuesday and it was awesome!  You know, whenever I teach a new class, before I turn on the music and get everybody up and dancing, there’s always a moment where my students are unsure.  They seem to ask themselves, “Can I do it?”  “Will it be too hard?”  “Will I hate it?”  “Will I look stupid?”  But after I turn on the music and get everybody started, there’s that moment–usually halfway through the first song when I watch the questions on everybody’s face turn to answers.  I watch their faces say, “Hey, I’m actually doing it!”  “It’s not that bad!”  “It’s actually kind of fun!”  “And I DON’T completely suck at it either.”  Man, I gotta tell you, I love that moment.  As a teacher, it gets me totally jazzed.  I’d love for you to experience that moment too.
I wonder my dear friends, is there somebody in your life you could share that moment with right now?  Do you have a friend or a family member that just needs a little encouragement?  Is there somebody who just needs a little proof that they can do something totally amazing?  I want you to take a moment and think about it.  And if a name comes to mind, don’t hesitate.  Call or email that person and help and share.  Because with all the talk about “runners high” and “endorphins”, the high of helping somebody else find their strength, trumps all.
Oh and if you’re in Southern California, and want to check out any of the two remaining sessions, don’t forget to check my speaking schedule.  I can’t wait to see you!
The Fat Chick
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