Jeanette sitting on a bed in a fluffy robe reaching forward and touching her toes.
After a bit of a rest it feels good to be back!

Hello there dear friends. I’ve got to admit, it’s been a minute. As I imagine was the case for many of you, the COVID-19 epidemic really caused me to stop and take stock of what was around me.  

While I didn’t get COVID, I didn’t get through the pandemic completely unscathed. I ended up getting shingles and being very sick. This experience helped me realize that I can’t do everything all by myself any more. I need a team—a posse that will help me do the work that I want to do. 

And during the pandemic, I started to build a dream team that will help me bring EveryBODY Can Exercise to a much wider group of people. This gave me the confidence to come out from under the blankets and back into the Social Media World! 

Starting next week, I will be posting on Mondays and Fridays. That’s my part. Now here’s what I need you to do. Comment and share. Let me know what you like and what you don’t like. Tell me what you want to see.  And I’ll be there, waiting for you, every week.  Thanks for staying with me.


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