Our society seems obsessed with bellies. “Let them be slender.” “Let them be rock hard.” “Let them be defined into a 6 or 8 pack of mean little muscles.” And while a few of us are genetically or psychologically disposed to this sort of “abs”, alas many of us are not. Which causes far too many of us to be mean to our bellies. Our soft underside. The holder of cookies and cradle for our potential children. We stuff them into too-tight jeans, we smush them under girdles, we suck them in and hold our breath. And we can’t breathe. Which is sad, because life is so much better when you chuck your control top pantyhose and just

b r e a t h e…

That’s why I was so excited when I got an email from the Fat PDX. Seems they are holding a BELLY UP event in June or July which will encourage people of all ages, shapes, sizes and dispositions to bare their bellies for the camera. Woooo Hoooo! In the spirit of the thing, hundreds have already submitted belly pictures showing off their middle parts. You can see them in the Bellies Are Beautiful gallery here. And you can help support that great event by contributing $5 or more and earning the special patch shown above. Now this is one merit badge I’m PROUD to own.

So whether you’re sporting a six-pack or a keg, take a picture and send it on in. And remember, it’s never too late to love the skin you’re in.

With love,
The Fat Chick

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