It’s 2019 and guess what?  Yup, I’m finally blogging again.  I’m not engaging in any new year’s resolutions this year.  However, I’m engaging in some new year’s permissions.  As in this year, I’m giving myself permission to  find time for more music and more joy.

You may not know it, but I actually have a Master’s degree in Opera performance from Washington University.  Am I an opera singer now?  No.  Do I regret that?  Not really.  I’m happy that I didn’t become a professional singer.  However, I do love music–especially live music.  Luckily, right near me in Monrovia, CA I’ve found a little place that does lots of live music–The Myrtle Tree Cafe.  Tonight was their open mic. night.  I didn’t go to sing.  But I did go to enjoy.  Brian and I had a wonderful time drinking great wine and listening to music.  And I am perfectly poised to give myself permission to do that on a regular basis because–well it gives me joy.  It’s fun!  And you know what?  That’s reason enough.

So what are your new years permissions this year?  What ways are you giving yourself permission to be happy and have a good time?  I can’t wait to hear from you.

And Happy New Year,



(AKA The Fat Chick)
