
So, a number of things in the universe are conspiring to make me think about the joys of being in the altogether.  There’s my post last Friday about the drama surrounding Lululemon’s $100 yoga pants.  And then there’s the latest issue of Volup2 called naked which has so many wonderful completely NSFW pictures in it, you just can’t even believe it.  I’m warning you, even the cover is NSFW, but here’s a link if you’re interested. There’s even an interview in there with me HERE, but lest I be accused of false advertising, I have to admit that the accompanying photo features me completely clothed.  There are also articles featuring Substantia Jones and Leonard Nemoy so you may want to check it out!


There is something so joyful and freeing about being naked.  There’s nothing quite like the delicious thrill that comes from skinny dipping or fatty dipping as Nearsighted Owl calls it.  And unlike $100  yoga pants, being nude doesn’t cost a penny.  (Well unless you’re arrested for indecent exposure–pick your time and place, kids!)  One of the best pieces of advice I heard in learning to accept our bodies is that we just need to spend more time per day with our clothes off.  This is not necessarily about sex.  (Although more sex and better sex can be a consequence of spending more time in your birthday suit.)  This is simply about learning to be more comfortable in the skin you’re in.

The more I think about this, the more I think it’s a super interesting and cool idea.  In fact, I’d like to issue a challenge!  As you know, with all challenges I advocate starting with just a few minutes and moving up from there.  So to start, I’d like to suggest that we all spend 5 minutes per day outside of the bath or shower completely starkers.  You can go to bed naked.  You can do your makeup and dry your hair while naked.  You can vacuum your house or do the dishes naked.  Be creative!

If you’re looking for more (decidedly fully naked and NSFW) inspiration you could check out the most amazing Adipositivity site or the Nu Project or this totally delightful video showing Amanda Palmer’s response to the Daily Mail who decided to spend an entire “review” of her concert talking about her “wardrobe malfunction” rather than her music or her performance.

And as always, I’d love to hear from you.  First of all, do you think The Fat Chick has simply gone off her rocker or do you think this might be a good idea?  Are you already a confirmed at home nudist?  If so, how did you come to be that way.  Are you terrified to even try this experiment?  And if you do try it, I’d love to hear about how it went!  Did you learn something new about yourself?  Did you find yourself feeling more comfortable with the idea of not wearing clothes every minute of the day?  Did you get surprised by the UPS guy at the door?  Hit the comments section and let us know!


The Fat Chick

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5 Comments. Leave new

  • Love this idea of embracing clotheslessness. 🙂 I hereby pledge to start with 5 minutes per day of absolute nekkidness.

  • Great idea! I’ve been trying to spend a minute or two in the morning if not naked, at least semi-clad, telling myself “Love THIS body.” Not the body I had 20 years ago or the body I think I should have, but the one I live in now. It seems to help.

  • I am an at home nudist. I spend probably 85% of my home time in pajamas (or as little clothes as possible) and the other 15% naked. Sometimes with the Fibromyalgia I just can’t bear to have clothes touching me.Non-sexualized nakedness is just a fact of life around our house. I’ve eaten naked (and not to induce revulsion like some people suggest), sleep naked, watch tv naked (and snuggled under covers). I think there is great benefit in learning how to be comfortable with little to no clothing!

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