[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJeHJdLjPR0]Hello everybody.  Sorry the post is so late today, but I was working up the special treat you see in the video above.  I’ve been thinking a lot about New Years resolutions lately and how to make them more body positive.  That was the inspiration for the video.

I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that the video mostly has pictures of me.  And while I’m okay with looking at pictures of myself, what I REALLY would like to do is create a video with some pictures of YOU.  I think working together makes us so much stronger!  So, I’d love it if you would send me some photos along with body-positive resolutions. Just send them to projects@thefatchick.com.  You can use the video above as an example of the kinds of photos and resolutions I’m seeking.  You can send anything–(just keep it PG and body positive, please!)

I’m so excited about the coming year and the amazing projects we can do together!  For instance, on the Fit Fatties Forum we are launching Fit Fatties Across America.  Starting tomorrow, forum members can enter their exercise duration or miles on a very simple form.  We’ll add everybody’s time and distance together and calculate how long it will take all of the Fit Fatties to get across the USA.  (NOTE: the program is open to folks all over the world.  We simply picked the US as a beginning geographical marker.  Once we get from New York to LA, we’ll have a big party and begin discussing “Fit Fatties Across the World” or “Fit Fatties Fly to the Moon!”)  If you’re interested be sure to join the forum (it’s FREE) and hop right on in there!

Also launching on the Fit Fatties Forum on January 1 are, by member request, training and support groups.  There are groups lead by fat certified fitness professionals for people of all sizes, abilities, and goals.  There is a group for those with a goal of 150 minutes of activity a week,  a group for those planning to participate in a fitness event this year, one for those who want to enjoy movement without tracking or structure, and then there’s Team Zombie.  People can join as many groups as they would like.  There is a small fee to be involved but it’s pretty cheap and it will be awesome.  You can find out more info here. (If you aren’t a member you’ll be prompted to join at the link – it’s free and doesn’t commit you to anything.)

We are also launching an amazing new project with the Size Diversity Task Force here in Los Angeles.  We’ll be “liberating” diet books and papers from our closets and garages as well as local resale shops, thrift stores and rummage sales.  We will then be incorporating these diet books into an extra special super cool art project!  Want to make sure you’re in the loop on this awesome project?  Check out the site for the Size Diversity Task Force.

Well that’s about the limit of awesome I can fit into one blog post.  Tune in soon for more updates.  Oh, and Happy New Year!


The Fat Chick

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