You could spend a lifetime moaning and complaining that nobody buys you flowers.  Or you could simply go to the local Trader Joes or farmers market or grocery store and buy yourself some.  When we stop looking outside and start looking inside of ourselves for validation, we regain our power.  Why should you give a co-worker or the lady at church or a complete stranger the power to make you feel bad about yourself or ruin your day?  YOU decide that you’re awesome.  Anybody who says anything or even thinks to the contrary is just lacking information critical to the decision making process.

As with all things, self-validation is much easier to say than to do.  And as with all things, success comes first with small things and then bigger ones.  But a quick and simple way to start is to do something nice for yourself–maybe something as simple as buying yourself a single flower.  This little beauty has been opening gently on my desk for a week now.  And aside from just sitting there looking gorgeous, it reminds me that I am deserving of goodness  and wonder and beauty.  And it reminds me that I am not finished, but in the process of becoming.

Have a beautiful day.

The Fat Chick

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