This morning I saw the most glorious, ravishing, rosy, glowing sunrise you can imagine.  For just a moment, I wasn’t worried about the giant, stressful, insane trade show I have to do in Vegas this week.  I wasn’t worried about laundry, clients or getting my blog entry written.  I took a moment and just appreciated and breathed.  How often do we not take even a moment for a deep breath?  How many awe-inspiring sunrises, sunsets, blue moons, falling stars, comets and total eclipses go right by without our even noticing? These moments, these micro-vacations can make us feel connected to the world.  They allow us to breathe thankfulness.  They assure us we are loved by the world and we are deserving.

For just a minute this morning, the world was putting on a one-morning-only, exclusive, command performance just for me.  Boy, am I glad I didn’t miss it.

Wishing you time and space for just a minute to take a breath and take in the scenery.

The Fat Chick

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