Sometimes a girl or guy, just needs to be pampered.  From the tippy top of your head to your teeny, tiny toes.  Yesterday, I went and got a pedicure.  This is not an every week thing for me, but a once-in-a-while treat.  But there’s something about getting your little piggies polished that makes you feel just great!  Pampering is a way of saying to our bodies, “I hear  you.   You like to be cared for.  You’re beautiful. You deserve it.”  And when are bodies are pampered, and we look our best, we stand a little taller, we smile a little easier and people notice that.
What can you do to pamper yourself today?  It can be as elaborate as my friend’s recent 2 week-jaunt to an all-inclusive spa.  Or it can be as simple and inexpensive as a $2 bottle of bubble bath or nail polish and 15-20 minutes in which to enjoy those things.  I recommend you enjoy at least one pampering moment today.  You’re worth it.
The Fat Chick
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