parties overI confess, the second day of the year is often a bit of a letdown for me.  We’ve been preparing and preparing for the holidays.  We’ve made (and distributed) over 120 dozen cookies.  We’ve drunk our New Year’s Drinks and made our New Year’s pledges.  The tree will stay up to the weekend but is as dry as a poor doggie’s bone.  And I am faced with the harsh reality of having to get the heck back to work.  I don’t get that warm, righteous, it’s a holiday but I’m working anyway satisfaction.  Nope.  I have that, I really don’t have an excuse so I gotta get back to it for heaven’s sake kinda deal.  Meh.

On the other hand I do find this time of year very invigorating.  I’m working with a whole bunch of absolutely amazing people on some ridiculously cool plans.  This is the time of year to believe anything is possible.  This is the time of year to make outrageous commitments and sign up for stuff just because it seems like it might be cool.  So I’m sucking down my coffee and sucking it up just in time to tell you about some amazing things going on right now, and coming down the pike.  Let’s DO this people!

New Fat Chick Clique Personalized Training Programs

On January 14, we’ll be launching our all-new training program built on The Fat Chick Works Out! book and DVD.  The program (available at several different levels) will feature a live teleconference every week on Monday nights.  You’ll receive personal encouragement emails, lots of opportunities to interact with your fellow exercisers and will have access to a variety of personal training options.  Special discounts are offered (through January 14 only) for members of Fit Fatties and The Fat Chick Clique.  Even deeper discounts are available for folks also participating in the new Fit Fatties Training Groups (see below).

Fit Fatties Across America

On the Fit Fatties Forum, we’re doing the Fit Fatties Across America project.  All  you have to do is join the forum (it’s free).  Then if you wish to participate, simply fill in the form each time you exercise with the date and your time or distance.  We’re going to compile everybody’s time and distance and figure out how long it will take the fit fatties to move across the country.  We’re starting in New York City and making our (virtual) way to Los Angeles.  Once there, a real, in the flesh, super cool party will be had!

New Training Groups

Also on the Fit Fatties Forum, we are creating 4 new premium training groups.  For a modest fee, you’ll be able to join a special group of folks either involved in training for distance events, getting in 150 minutes of exercise per week, dedicated to moving just for the fun of it and yes, even a group participating with the Zombies, Run!  application.  The group will have private facebook message boards, participate in dedicated email groups and get special and personalized advice from forum founders Ragen Chastain and yours truly.  Discounts are available to those who register before January 15, so sign up now!

Set a World Record!

After Ragen Chastain heard about the new program from Angela Meadows to destroy diet books as part of our New Year’s Revolution, she contacted a few of us at the Size Diversity Task Force with an idea.  Let’s do this as a group and collect over 20,000 pages of diet books to destroy.  Which gave me an idea, a big idea, a rascally, super large, crazy idea.  Let’s use all those magazines to create a sculpture like Brenda Oelbaum does, but let’s make it the world’s LARGEST!  Let’s go for a World Record here.  This is all part of my tired of being timid, go big or go home plan for 2013.  Wanna join us?  You can participate from anyplace in the world.  You can either send diet books, contribute money for us to “liberate” diet books ( from resale shops and garage sales where the book creators won’t be financially compensated for what is essentially paper mâché plaster) or even fly or drive in to join us on the big day!  You can click here to stay updated on the details.

Super Secret New Project

I can’t reveal this super secret new project I’m working on quite yet, but I am a tease!  So I’ll tell you to keep checking back here for a super cool totally new thing that I’ll be offering.  Stay tuned!

So while one party has ended, another one is just beginning.  Let’s get it started in here!

[youtube] Whew, well there is a lot of cool and fun and exciting things for us to do together in the coming year!  So grab a cup of coffee and let’s get clickin!  Post-party ennui aside, I just can’t wait.


The Fat Chick

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