In light of this week’s James Bond/Secret Agent theme, I’ve been thinking about some specific revolutionary maneuvers of my own. Recently the “Screaming MeMeMe!” has helped to clarify what we’re up against. There’s a whole lot of hate out there my little chicklettes. But both you and I have the power to be a force for good. And there are so many ways that we can act up and cause trouble for those who sow hate.

Now not everybody is ready to be as public in their rebellion as those who participated in Marilyn Wann’s I Stand campaign, or those delightfully awesome folks who are gaining supervillian status over on Red No. 3 as Agents of Obesity.  Or even those who participated in the Kiss-In to protest Marie Claire’s nasty article.

But that’s okay, because there are plenty of covert operations you can participate in as well.  One of my favorites is NAAFA LA’s bookmark campaign where they print out body  positive bookmarks and slip them into diet books in libraries and bookstores.  And of course NAAFA LA’s Big Fat Flea Market is also an act of positive rebellion in quietly asserting that people of all sizes deserve to look fabulous at reasonable prices.  And I love the post-it note campaign at Operation Beautiful, where folks are encouraged to post body-positive notes on public restroom and dressing room mirrors.

There are so many ways to be quietly positive in a world that shuns us and shames us.  Sometimes it’s simply a matter of saying something nice to someone trying on a pretty dress at a department store, sometimes it’s about leaving a NAAFA brochure at a weight loss clinic, often it’s about just being you as hard as you can.  So my little chickies, lets think this week about how you can perpetuate so R.A.W.R.  And enjoy the secret thrill of making the world just a little better and a little safer for every BODY.


The Fat Chick

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Thank you for this!!! I often struggle with being an activist in the HAES & FA blogosphere because of the amount of virulent hatred one gets exposed to. To be honest, I get sick when I spend my day absorbed by hate and anger. So I felt guilty for not being a “good” activist and participating more. I did participate in the STAND campaign, and I talk to people in my own personal sphere of existence. This article made me feel better about that. I’m FAT COW Agent FoXXXL. Secret Agent that is. . . .not so public. . . but still an agent 🙂

  • Yay FatChick! 🙂 I love the permission this gives. Too often I feel like a “bad” fatty for not being willing to devote my life to FA & HAES activism. But this reminds me that, when I do what I can, that is enough. I participated in the STAND campaign, and I promote HAES in my own personal sphere of existence, but I find it too difficult (for numerous reasons) to be active in the blogosphere or national platform of FA & HAES. Now I can remind myself that I am FAT COW Agent FoXXXL! Secret agent, but still an agent nonetheless.

  • Thanks, as always, for motivating us to make a difference, no matter our scope. Mwah!

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