[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A43JOxLa5MM]

Okay, so the laryngitis has not let up.  In fact it’s gotten worse.  I included the video above to both approximate the only sound I am capable of making right about now and to achieve the decibel level I wish I could (but absolutely cannot) currently reach.  My doctor and my Mom suggest that the best thing I can do to get better is to rest quietly.  To which I say, “Oh poop!”


At first my hubby thought it was awesome that he got to talk so much more.  Then he thought that my impromptu charades were kind of cute.  Now, he’s feeling more like I am–deeply annoyed by the whole thing.  There’s nothing like having to find scrap paper and a pen to put an end to small talk.  And I’ve had the joy of having to listen in on conference calls and then text somebody to be my voice on the call.  All I can say is that as frustrated as I am with being sick, I am deeply grateful for all the help my friends and family have offered me, and for how incredibly gracious people have been about allowing me to reschedule things.

Speaking of gracious and wonderful people, I have to thank the wonderful Anne Cuthbert who has allowed me to switch teleseminar times with her.  (Anne is a super classy and extremely wonderful woman!)  So now, God and vocal chords-willing, I will be speaking on Thursday, January 24 at 5 PM PST instead of my previously scheduled time.  Please show Anne how much you appreciate her being so incredibly accommodating, and check out her seminar tomorrow at 5PM PST.  You can register for both seminars HERE.

You also may want to lace up your sneakers for our special Fit Fatties Across America challenge for the week.  We’re going to try to make it all the way to San Jose in time for A Fatty Affair this Saturday.  We’re already in Colorado, but we have over 1,300 miles to go in order to hit our target.  Don’t forget to enter your time or miles in THIS FORM on the Fit Fatties Forum.  California here we come!

It is so true, that we seldom truly appreciate things until they are gone.  I miss my ability to sing and squawk and make all kinds of noises out there in the world, and am looking forward to an opportunity to do that again soon.  In the meantime, I guess I will have to make do with my written words and a video of a death metal squawking rooster.



The Fat Chick

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