Hello kids!  Sorry for the semi-demi-advertisement here, but I just realized that we are only one even dozen members away from hitting 1,000 on the Fit Fatties forum.  Now I admit, I’ve been pretty distracted getting ready for today’s Bi-coastal Hot Flash Mob (woo-hoo!) and hadn’t realized that we were quite so close to achieving this nice large and ROUND number.  Wanna help?  Let’s get there today!  1,000th member gets a copy of my DVD The Fat Chick Works Out!  Even if you’re a beginning exerciser.  Even if you’re just thinking about starting to think about exercise, you’re welcome on the Fit Fatties Forum.  And you’ll be surrounded by a supportive, loving community that can’t wait to answer your questions and rock out with you!

So join already.  Upload a picture.  Share your general awesomeness!  And if you’re already a member, share with your friends!

The Fat Chick

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