[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-KaKfgFfJM] This week on the blog we’ve been talking about help–why it’s important to give it and receive it and how to find it.  Now I’ve got to share with you about a group that has provided such amazing and powerful support for me.  I’m talking about my local Los Angeles chapter of NAAFA–The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance.  This fabulous group of men and women is one of the best groups I’ve ever been in, and I’ve participated in a lot of groups.  But this is one of the most genuinely caring and supportive groups of people I’ve ever met.  And what’s more, we get stuff DONE!  We cook up some sort of fabulousness nearly every month and sometimes even more awesome than that.  Somebody has an idea, everybody gets excited and we just roll up our sleeves and get ‘er done.  Like the INDD Spa Day shown in the video above.  We just made a few phone calls, sent a few emails and BAM, just look at the awesomeness!

So my little chicklettes, I want to encourage you to find a group of people who are just right for encouraging you.  If you’re in the LA area, then you should DEFINITELY join NAAFA LA.  And don’t forget–there are some awesome folks on The Fat Chick Clique and in the Fit Fatties Forum.


The Fat Chick

6 Comments. Leave new

  • I am the Official Garden Gnome of NAAFA-LA and I endorse this blog! ::Gnome Happy Dance::

  • Soooooo much love to The Fat Chick!!!

  • Hi Jeanette! I recently discovered your blog after discovering Ragen at “Dances with Fat” and I absolutely love blogs like yours and Ragen’s. I’m 22 years old and I’ve been on a journey to self-love for over a year now, but I’m definitely lacking in the supportive fat friends and family area and I would love to meet other people who are understanding and supportive of me. I live in LA and would love to know how to become a part of the LA chapter of NAAFA.

    Keep up the fantastic work you do!


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