Edible hotel-1773351YAY this marks my 400th blog post.  Woo Hoo! Let’s break out the bubbly!  And you know what goes great with champagne?  Cake!

Look out Hansel and Gretel, what we have here is an entire hotel made entirely of cake!  With walls and rugs made from homemade cookies, treasure chests created of marzipan and window sills made of fudge this is one suite with a serious sweet tooth!  This hotel within a hotel is located in central London.  It took an army of 14 chefs over 2,000 hours to bake and over 900 hours decorate the confection which includes windows and walls created from over 2,000 macaroons and a multicolored rug fashioned from 1,801 meringues.

The eight tasting rooms contain a variety of special features including a Caribbean-inspired room with a treasure chest with edible pearls and a South Pacific-inspired room complete with a Easter Island statue made entirely of chocolate mud cake which stands over two meters high!

It’s difficult to estimate the entire weight, but here are a few stats:

1. Number of rooms: 8

2.  Marshmallow Garlands: 20 kilos (over 40 lbs.)

3.  Edible Bunting: 10 meters long (over 30 ft.)

4.  Sugar used in the project: Over 600 Kilos (Over 1,322 pounds)

Conclusion: The Soho London Hotel made completely out of cake weighs more than me!

1 Comment. Leave new

  • is this a place that you can actually visit and purchase treats from?
    sounds almost too good to be true! what is the nearest underground stop?
    i hope the hotel keeps this exhibition for a little while longer so that i have a chance to see it, i’ll be there mid-april!


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