Jeanette rocks out in a Russian Mig
Jeanette rocks out in a Russian MiG

I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I just CAN’T resist.  I am speaking at the National Association of Broadcasters Event in Las Vegas this week, and while there I got a chance to sit my rump into a genuine Russian MiG.  How cool is that!?  I spotted this beautiful blue baby from across the lot and thought?  How much does that plane weigh?  I’ll bet it weighs more than me!  The lady was kind enough to take my picture.  And I got back to the convention center and did a leetle bit o’ research.  Here’s the stats:

MiG 15 bis

  • Crew: 1 or 2
  • Length: 10.08 m (33 ft 1 in)
  • Wingspan: 10.08 m (33 ft 1 in)
  • Height: 3.7 m (12 ft 2 in)
  • Wing area: 20.6 m2 (222 sq ft)
  • Airfoil: TsAGI S-10 / TsAGI SR-3
  • Empty weight: 3,630 kg (8,003 lb)
  • Gross weight: 5,000 kg (11,023 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 6,105 kg (13,459 lb)

And even though the cockpit was teeny tiny, any way you measure it–full, empty or at maximum takeoff weight, this Russian MiG weighs more than me.


Jeanette DePatie AKA The Fat Chick

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