Indianapolis Race Car on Display at the William Rolland Gallery at California Lutheran University.

It was somewhat surprising and also kind of cool to run into a Indy Race Car right in the middle of an Art Museum.  Then again, given the fact that the art museum is in itself part of a new sports complex at California Lutheran University, it’s not so very surprising.

With William Roland at the Gallery opening.

I first saw this beauty at the grand opening of the William Rolland Gallery last weekend.  And the minute I saw it, I knew I had to have a photograph.  Why?  A) Because it is beautiful and B) Because the information card said it weighed more than me.   Here’s the stats:

Length: Over 15 ft.
Width: About 6 ft.
Weight: Over 1500 lbs.

Conclusion: An Indy Race Car weighs more than me.

P.S. Want to learn about the race cars on my feet?  Click HERE!

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