Worlds Biggest Bucket

In keeping with our “spring cleaning” theme, I thought I’d explore cleaning stuff that weighs more than me.  So now, I present to you, the world’s biggest bucket.  Actually this is the big bad bucket SEQUEL.  The original big bucket was built in Tennessee in 1887, but was damaged by arsonists in 2005.  (Why would anyone want to burn the big bad bucket?)  Anyways, this NEW behemoth (made from cedar) can hold over 1500 gallons of, well whatever you want to put in there.  Add a REALLY big mop and you could clean the world with this bad boy!  Here’s some stats:

Location: Cannonsburgh Village–located at 312 South Front Street, Murfreesboro, TN

Capacity: 1550 gallons

Weight (empty): 1520 lbs.

Weight (full of beer, minus foamy head): 13,920 lbs.

Conclusion: The World’s Biggest Bucket Weighs More than Me

Want to learn more about our spiritual “spring cleaning” theme?  Click HERE.

And don’t forget to check out Ragen and my new project the Fit Fatties Forum.

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