Keeping with the Easter theme, today we’re talking about the world’s biggest basket (which becomes the world’s largest Easter basket but only between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday).

The basket is a 160x replica of Longaberger’s Medium Market Basket and is used as the Longaberger company headquarters.  Between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday large replica eggs are added to the top of the basket.

Here’s the stats:

Bottom Dimensions: 192 ft. long by 126 ft. wide
Roofline Dimensions: 208-ft. long by 142-ft. wide at the roofline
Weight: I can’t find any statistics or estimates.  But we’re talking about a 7 story building here.  Shortly after the thing was built a small PLANE flew through the handles.  So I feel it’s pretty safe to say:

It weighs more than me.

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