
When the amazing and wonderful Velvet D’Amour asked me to come up with a workout for her new issue of Volup.2 she said that the theme was “simplicity”.  It really didn’t take long for me to come up with the workout plan.  I decided on walking–one of the safest, simplest and cheapest workouts in the world.  Once again, I retained the photography talents of Kelly Varner–one of the very best photographers I know, and we went out to create a photo essay on the joys of walking.  You can see the results HERE.

There are as many wonderful workouts in the world as there are people.  But whenever I’m helping somebody who is stuck, who isn’t sure where to start, I suggest they put on their sneakers, grab the leash and the dog or the hand of their sweetheart and simply go for a walk.  Naturally, I’m partial to walking outside, but if the weather is truly wretched, the mall will do.  I can’t say I’m a big treadmill fan–the thing makes me feel like a giant gerbil.  But some people really love working out with the treadmill.  To which I say–to each his own.

There is something so local and gentle and simple about going for a walk around the neighborhood with your friend, hand in hand with your lover or even all by your self.  Walking is gentle enough to allow for conversation or contemplation.  Sometimes, when I walk by myself, I focus on the seasons and what is happening around me.  Sometimes when I walk by myself, I imagine sending positive and kind thoughts to people who live in the houses that I am passing.  And sometimes, I walk hand in hand with my husband without saying anything at all.  We just enjoy being together.

And if I don’t feel like walking alone and my friends and my husband are busy, I can always count on my handsome dog Max.  He loves to walk so much that he’s even figured out how to spell the word.  I used to be able to talk to my husband about taking Max for a w-a-l-k.  But now, even if I spell it, Max is completely insane with excitement, whining at the door where we keep his leash and ready–always ready to go.

So, I’d like to invite you to find just a little time for a little stroll this week.  Don’t worry about counting steps, or calculating calories burned or miles accumulated.  Just lace up your sneakers and step out for your little fix of joy.  I promise it will be worth it.


The Fat Chick

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