It’s hard to run around and have fun if you’re too sleepy!

Whenever I talk about the many dimensions of health (aside from and beyond body weight) I always mention getting enough sleep.  As a nation, we in America suck at getting enough sleep and there’s no doubt in my mind that it has affected our health.

There are more and more studies showing an association between getting less than seven hours sleep with various conditions including diabetes, heart disease, and certain forms of cancers.  More work needs to be done to determine if the link is causal, or if there are other mitigating factors.  However there is some concern that chronic deprivation affects hormones in the body which in turn affect how our bodies cope with appetite, threats to the immune system and managing disease.

Aside from the studies, I know this.  If I go without sleep for too long I’m not as creative as I could be.  And I’m very, very crabby.  (Just ask my hubby.)  So this morning you’re getting your blog post a little late.  Not as late as yesterday’s post pizza afterglow, but late nonetheless.  Because I slept in.  I enjoyed it.  And I feel great!

So my little chicklettes, if  you’re not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, you may want to focus some attention on this area of your life.  Find ways to find time to sleep.  Manage coffee and soda intake.  Meditate.  Whatever it takes to get enough ZZZZzzzzs and wake up fresh as a daisy.  You deserve it.


The Fat Chick

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