Well it’s the second full week of January and by now I’ll bet some of the shine has fallen off those New Year’s resolutions.  You know, the ones you fervently spout while sipping (or slurping) champagne on New Year’s Eve.  And also the ones you whisper as you nurse your hangover on the first morning of the year.  Yeah those are the ones I’m talking about.  And while you’re still enjoying the shiny, new, I can be a size 4 by February resolution fantasy it can be a little hard to talk to you.  Believe me, I know exactly what that’s all about.  But now that you’ve had a few weeks to think about it, and to allow reality to filter in allow me to offer you an alternative.

This year, a lot of folks in the fat acceptance and health at every size communities (including me) decided to create a “New Year’s Revolution” instead of resolutions.  This year, for every day in the month of January, we’re focusing on a way to love, nurture and care for the bodies we already have rather than trying to change them into something else.  It’s super fun and super cool.  You can find out more about it HERE.

I hope you check it out.  The idea of loving and caring for yourself may be revolutionary, but at another level, it’s just common sense.  Viva la revolution!

The Fat Chick

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