Jeanette stands next to a giant KitchenAid mixer at a trade show.
That is one big batch of dough!

It’s really been a long time since I’ve done one of these posts. But I found this pic on my phone and decided it’s time to bring back Things That Weigh More than Me. I think many of us, especially as we get older can feel like we are the biggest and heaviest (and slowest) things in the world. I certainly feel that way sometimes. But I think a dash of humor can help us put that feeling in perspective. We are by no means the biggest, heaviest or slowest things or creatures in this wide, wide world. I can prove it! Take this mixer here. I didn’t weigh it. However, I intend to use some wild estimates and funky math to come up with a likely completely inaccurate but mildly amusing guess as to the weight of this giant mixer I stood next to at the PCBC show in San Francisco.

Let’s start with the dimensions of a 6-quart professional stand mixer:

Height: 12″

Weight: 30 lbs.

So I estimate our giant mixer there is over six feet tall. So let’s take a wild guess and say the giant stand mixer is 8x the size and weight of a traditional stand mixer. Add in the traditional 2 pounds of cookie dough I usually whip up in one of these bad boys and we’re over 250 pounds–a figure that weighs (at least a little) more than me.

However you slice it (or bake it) I’ve decided just not to focus so much attention on what I weigh. Rather, I’ve decided to focus my attention on how well I can shake what I got. If you want to shake what you got, I’d like to recommend EveryBODY Can Exercise: Senior Edition. You can shake, rattle and roll with seniors just like you who just want “mix things up a little” and have some fun! Dance to the DVD or Download or stream along with me on Amazon prime!


