Hi everybody.  There’s been a lot of talk about Meme’s hate speech approach to people of size on Dr. Drew’s show yesterday.  And I want to especially thank Ragen for standing up for Julianne and I.  I DO think it represents a minimal step forward that hosts feel the need to have people like Ms. Roth on the show.  In the past, the host would have simply belittled and mocked us directly.  So I think the fact that hosts are bringing in a proxy to do the fat bashing represents a small but significant shift in public opinion. (YAY!)   But before the clip that’s currently highlighted on the HLN site, Julianne and I did get to say quite a lot and I want to share it here.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElSA74X9MDE]

Thanks so much to everybody for all your support and cheering. It’s hard to be up there in the lights being attacked. But I know we can bear it because we have such a strong, POSITIVE, SUPPORTIVE community behind us.

Now it’s time to share a little of that love. I suspect that HLN chose that clip to highlight on their site because they thought it was the most outrageous and would solicit the most comments. So I’d like to ask you to go to that comments page and share some positive thoughts about size acceptance and HAES. Here’s the link. I think saying negative things about Ms. Roth will only encourage them to have her on again as she “solicits a strong response”. So I’m going to suggest that you refrain from bashing her in the comments. If you need moral support, please see Ragen’s excellent and wonderful post here.

I think it would be more helpful to shift the focus somewhat and say something positive about size acceptance or how something said about size acceptance resonated with you or was helpful to you.  Sorry to give you MORE HOMEWORK, my little chicklettes but we still got a long row to hoe.  But before you leave here’s how Julianne most beautifully and eloquently got in the last word:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWpTv_4Zphc]


The Fat Chick

10 Comments. Leave new

  • I am so freakin’ proud of you both! Jules, your final comment is indeed inspiring and beautifully said. And to both of you, kudos for keeping your cool! <3

  • Think your both great and thankyou for being so brave to be on a show and you did a great job’

  • I just witnessed the greatest examples of grace under pressure! You two were marvelous! Seriously, though, had MeMe been in the studio, would you have lunged at her? I would have… Good on you! Your message was spot on. The lady who called in, devastated for not losing 50 pounds before her son’s graduation broke my heart. She needs size-acceptance most of all!

    • I agree, Susie, about the pain of hearing a woman with tears in her voice discuss her “failure” to lose 50 pounds. I hope she ultimately got the message Julianne and Jeanette were trying to share. I wish her and everyone else body love and respect.

    • That broke my heart too. She was more upset over being a “failure” at losing weight instead of being joyful over being a successful mother raising a son who is now a graduate. I can’t live my life like that… I refuse to let fat stigma take away my joy.

  • Anna Holmes
    May 30, 2012 6:02 pm

    Thank you so much. I have been plus size all of my adult life. Even when I wore a 12 I was considered plus size. People always wanted me to be unhappy with myself and I have not been. Thank you for representing us.

  • I started to engage in polite discussion but when I kept posting that no I wasn’t happier or more able at a skinnier weight, the moderators didn’t let my post through for some reason. I didn’t even make any comments about the person, I just said I disagreed with her claiming I was more able at a hundred lbs lighter.

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  • I contacted The National Weight Control Registry with some questions several years ago. Yes they keep a registry but they do not follow up with people who register or people who fall off the registry. In order for their data to be significant they would need to have verifiable information; the registry is complete self reporting, no one is looking at the information for accuracy.

    Meme is aggressive and uses abusive language. Even if she had valid information or a point, I can’t hear it because of her tactics. I think this is the only reason she is given air time.

  • […] theme, I’ve been thinking about some specific revolutionary maneuvers of my own. Recently the “Screaming MeMeMe!” has helped to clarify what we’re up against. There’s a whole lot of hate out there my […]

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