Desires–What I Wanna

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I LOVE jammie time! Not all cravings are for food.  Sure, chocolate chip cookies are important, but there are other things in life.  And in learning to listen to what my body wants to eat, I am learning to broaden…
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Mindful Eating

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A friend of mine had the above picture in her facebook feed this morning and it got me thinking about mindful eating.  I gave it some thought, and I guess I’m of two minds when it comes to mindful eating. …
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[youtube] Recently, a very dear friend sent me a link to this video.  I think it’s partly because she knows how I feel about cookies.  But it got me thinking about what length I would go to to get…
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Doing Size Acceptance Like a Rock Star

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[youtube] I ran across this old recording of an interview with Jim Morrison this week.  In this refreshingly frank discussion, Morrison asks, “what’s wrong with being fat”?  He recounts a time in college when he was at his heaviest. …
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