Imagine a Body Positive World

In my last blog post, I talked about the importance of asking for help.  In this post, I’m going to talk about imagining a body positive world, AND I’m going to ask  YOU for help.

Imagining a body positive world is something I talk about a lot when I am hired to speak.  Imagine a world where you felt good about your body.  Imagine a world without fear where you were free to pursue your dreams right now–not after losing ten pounds, not after fitting into your skinny jeans, but RIGHT NOW.  Imagine that both you and the world agreed your body is perfect just the way it is.  What would be different?  What would feel different?  What could you accomplish?

I think if you’ve ever read this blog, you’ve at least considered what a body positive world might look like.  And you may have even considered how you might make the world a more body positive place.  But how many people do you know who may have never even considered a body positive world?  How many people never even thought that loving their body as is was even an option?  I lived over 25 years of my life before I even considered the possibility that I could love my body the way it was.  I was nearly in my third decade before the notion of jumping off the diet roller coaster even entered my head.  I am deeply grateful that I ultimately got this notion.  But I often wonder how my life would have been different if I had gotten this notion just a little sooner.  I wonder how my life would have been different if I had a comprehensive course to help me get to loving me a little stronger and a little faster.

That is why Ragen Chastain and I have created the Body Love Obstacle Course.  We want to help you imagine a world where all bodies are respected and treasured.  And we want to help you create such a world for yourself.  But we also want you to help create such a world for others.  And that brings me to the point where I ask for your help.

The registration is now open for the Body Love Obstacle Course.  You can learn about it here.  I’d love for you to take a look at it for yourself.  (We’ve got a fabulous new video up there.)  And then I want you to tell everyone you know.  Even if you’re not ready to take this step in your life (although I sincerely hope you are because we would LOVE to see you at the course with us) you can help make the world a little bit better by sharing this info with other people in your life.  You never know when a little nudge, when one little link and one little click can change the life of another person forever.

Imagine a world where all bodies including your body are respected and treasured.  Then help make it so.  All it takes is a few clicks.

Just head over to the Body Love Obstacle Course page and give it a share.


Jeanette DePatie

AKA The Fat Chick

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Asking for help.
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I can’t do it alone, thankfully I don’t have to.

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