You know what’s a really great way to handle the stress of our current world? DANCE MORE! That’s why I’m so excited to offer my new “All You Can Dance” App subscription. Featuring over 60 videos designed to help you dance more, feel better about yourself and live happier, the “All You Can Dance” App can be accessed via iPhone, Android, Apple TV, Chromecast or right on your computer. The All You Can Dance subscription is available for just $9.95 per month. You can try it for free (*for 30 days), and you can cancel at any time. But why would you want to? And while you are subscribed to my All You Can Dance Plan, you’ll also get free access to my LIVE ZOOM CLASSES and get special access to our private Facebook group. With all this PLUS new videos added all the time, you’ll want to dance more, live more and smile more with my “All You Can Dance” app!

Stay home and boogie down with me and my peeps!
We’re all sheltering in place and frankly going a bit stir crazy. You know what would help? Exercising with me and my peeps helps bust those blues. EveryBODY Can Exercise: Senior Edition is a super fun workout for people of all ages that can be done standing or sitting or a little of each. Featuring easy choreography, feather boas, shiny beads and a sassy attitude this workout is a whole heap of silly joy. And you know what? Kids love it too! The DVD is available from Amazon or direct on my site. The fastest and least expensive way is to buy it directly from me, we’ll give you 25% off the regular price! Just use coupon code “StayHomeSpecial” This coupon can also be used towards any of The Fat Chick workout products but will expire soon, so don’t wait!

EveryBODY Can ExercisePosted by Everybody Can Exercise w/The Fat Chick on Thursday, November 28, 2019
Workouts that are SAFE, EASY, and FUN
for klutzes, wimps, ongoing exercisers and absolute beginners.
Join the Club!
Fill out the contact form below and we’ll get you a free exercise tracker!
Jeanette gets Every BODY Moving!
Public Appearances
Annual Dance Hours
Thousand Dance Partners
HEY! Let’s work out at YOUR House!
While working out with me in Los Angeles is awesome, we can totally exercise at your house too! You can buy my book or DVD and we can dance together whenever you want at a pace that is good for YOU! Both the book and the DVD are progressive meaning they meet you where you are and help you get stronger little by little. And of course they have me in them so they are TONS OF FUN!

Join the Club!
Fill out the contact form below and we’ll get you a free exercise tracker!
Get the book and DVD!
For the Media
Dear Media Professionals,
In this section, you will find pre-cleared text, photos, and video appropriate for use in your media outlets. Should you have any questions, please contact Jeanette at 323-801-8832 or send an email to jeanette@thefatchick.com. Thank you!
Subscribe to the EveryBODY Can Exercise BLOG!
EveryBODY Can Exercise BLOG
Fall into Fun Activities
Animals Make Life Better
Ah there’s nothing like random special days to pumpkin spice up your October calendar. Today is National Child Health Day, National Golf Lover’s Day, National Cinnamon Roll Day, National Taco Day and National Vodka Day.
It’s National Diversity Day!
Motivation Monday: Create Your Self-Care Plan
Heck Yeah! It’s time for Public Acts of Dancing Spontaneously
Avoiding a Case of Monday-itis
Five Fabulous Fitness Trends
I’m Talking about the Love in the Mirror
Dancing Your Way to Fitness
It’s a Labor Day Three-Fer!
Let me tie these things together now. I think this weekend should include equal parts of the 3 big “C”s—COLORS, CELEBRATION, and COMPASSION. This is a great time to pull out your cozy college sweaters or sweatshirts. Wear your colors proudly. And celebrate the work you’ve done this year. It’s been a tough one, and you made it through.
Pucker Up, Buttercup! It’s Lemon Juice Day!
Mom Bods, Dad Bods and Just Plain Bods
MOVIE MONDAY: (BIG) Girls on Film
The Cost of Confidence–Paying The Troll Tolls
Recently Lizzo and Cardi B released an epic new video: Rumors. It is a gorgeous, raunchy, nasty, glorious music video that is most definitely NSFW. And in many ways, it’s a tribute to being yourself, and not caring what anybody says or thinks about you. And it’s inspiring. But like so many inspiring things, it comes at a cost.
Motivation Monday: What if I Just Don’t LOVE My Body?
Bebe, Camila, Body Positivity and YOU
And as a celebrity, sporting an “average-weight” body certainly invites trolls to criticize their bodies on social media. And while I applaud these celebrities for giving a nod to body positivity, I’ve noticed a few things.
Book Lover’s Day—A Few of my Body Positive Faves
In honor of Book Lover’s Day, I thought I would share some of my absolute favorite body positive/size acceptance books of the past two decades. All of these selections are thumbs WAY UP!