Fall into Fun Activities

It’s my favorite time of year. I love the fall. I love the weather. I love the cozy nights. I love the fact that my birthday and my anniversary fall…
Red Haired fluffy dog with pointy ears looks at the camera.

Animals Make Life Better


Ah there’s nothing like random special days to pumpkin spice up your October calendar.  Today is National Child Health Day, National Golf Lover’s Day, National Cinnamon Roll Day, National Taco Day and National Vodka Day. 

It’s National Diversity Day!

Happy Friday! And happy National Diversity Day. It’s a wonderful day to celebrate that although we all share one planet, we also share so many wonderful differences. We are of…

Avoiding a Case of Monday-itis

Back when I was on the diet, binge, repeat cycle, Mondays were special days. This was the daywhen everything reset. I got my new calories, poins, food servings or what…

Five Fabulous Fitness Trends

There’s little question we’ve been on a roller coaster lately. From serious pandemic fatigue to the hope of vaccines to the reopening of the world to the Delta variant to…

Dancing Your Way to Fitness

Any kind of movement that feels good to you is good movement. But anybody who knows me,knows I especially love dance. And as it turns out, dance is uniquely suited…

It’s a Labor Day Three-Fer!


Let me tie these things together now. I think this weekend should include equal parts of the 3 big “C”s—COLORS, CELEBRATION, and COMPASSION. This is a great time to pull out your cozy college sweaters or sweatshirts. Wear your colors proudly. And celebrate the work you’ve done this year. It’s been a tough one, and you made it through.

MOVIE MONDAY: (BIG) Girls on Film

My little stint on the Iron Throne at the Produced By Conference I’ll never forget the first time I watched Hairspray.  (I’m talking about the original movie with the spectacular…

The Cost of Confidence–Paying The Troll Tolls


Recently Lizzo and Cardi B released an epic new video: Rumors. It is a gorgeous, raunchy, nasty, glorious music video that is most definitely NSFW. And in many ways, it’s a tribute to being yourself, and not caring what anybody says or thinks about you. And it’s inspiring. But like so many inspiring things, it comes at a cost.

Bebe, Camila, Body Positivity and YOU


And as a celebrity, sporting an “average-weight” body certainly invites trolls to criticize their bodies on social media. And while I applaud these celebrities for giving a nod to body positivity, I’ve noticed a few things.

I’m Back Baby!

After a bit of a rest it feels good to be back! Hello there dear friends. I’ve got to admit, it’s been a minute. As I imagine was the case…

Don’t Worry! Be Happy!

Makeup and care–free. Posted by Jeanette DePatie on Sunday, July 28, 2019 The above clip is from a Facebook Lip Sync recording I recently did with Bobby Mcferrin’s Don’t Worry,…

PADS Saturday Coolest Dad

What happens when mom sets up a camera to capture spontaneous cute kid moments? She gets this total awesomeness! Welcome to PADS Saturday (Public Acts of Dancing Spontaneously). So yeah,…

Thanks but no thanks-

Recently actor Jonah Hill posted a comment that resonated with a lot of people: Instagram post from Jonah Hill And believe me, I get it. I know it seems cool…

Pennies for Ice Cream Bars

Jeanette on one of Marilyn Wann’s Yay Scales! She “Yays” Sexy! It’s our brand-new Motivation Monday post and I’m so excited to be back in the saddle and writing for…

All the CHEESES!

Saw this image by Kayden Hines on the Book of Face today and I love it so much.  There are so many reasons: I love cheese.  Like I am a…

Music and Joy

It’s 2019 and guess what?  Yup, I’m finally blogging again.  I’m not engaging in any new year’s resolutions this year.  However, I’m engaging in some new year’s permissions.  As in…

A long awaited PADS Saturday

It’s been more than a little while since I’ve posted.  But I saw this fellow and got INSPIRED.  Now this is fabulous PADS.  Wondering what PADS means?  It stands for…

Imagine a Body Positive World

In my last blog post, I talked about the importance of asking for help.  In this post, I’m going to talk about imagining a body positive world, AND I’m going…

Asking for help.

If I’ve learned anything this week it’s this.  Ask for help.  Ask for it sooner rather than later.  Do NOT spend time exhausting every other option on the planet first. …

New Video and a New Plan

  There’s no question, I’ve been away for a while.  As this video demonstrates, I’m still spending plenty of time talking about Health At Every Size and loving the skin…

On the Power of Sisterhood

  I went to an event called TEDx Pasadena Women last night and it was amazing.  I don’t know why I am still sometimes surprised after all these years about…

5-year-olds on a Diet

Sometimes people ask me why I do this.  I work in Hollywood.  Writing a blog doesn’t really pay all that well.  And it can be a solitary process at times…

Fitness is for ALL of Us

Ragen Chastain and I are so  very pleased to release our first video on our brand new YouTube Channel: Fitness for All of Us.  We’ve released our fight song to…

150 Minutes

I just ran across this article online that talks about some new studies that talk about how much exercise you really need to do to significantly increase the chances of…

Don’t Exercise

Last night I gave a speech at Kaiser provocatively entitled, “Don’t Exercise”.  It was a big hit, so I thought I would share some of the highlights with you today. …

Get me to the Dressing Room Please

As a “plus-sized” person, I know that my options for buying clothing are much more limited than my “straight-sized” friends.  It is not all that uncommon, especially in certain parts…

PADS Saturday

Okay y’all.  I’m not gonna lie.  It was an awesome week and a tough week all rolled up in one.  So I felt that I needed to have a PADS…

Speaking With My Sisters

Yesterday I had the honor and privilege of speaking as a panelist at Digital Hollywood on a panel hosted by the Alliance for Women in Media.  It was a part…

More Victims Dying to be Thin

I recently read about this story about student Ella Parry who died after accidentally overdosing on diet pills she bought from the Internet.  The pills were found to contain Dinitrophenal…

Reviewsday: Amanda’s Big Dream

For today’s blog post, I’m very excited to review for you a brand new children’s book called Amanda’s Big Dream.  This book, written by Judith Matz and illustrated by Elizabeth…


Well, I certainly have been burning the midnight oil lately.  In fact, I’ve been burning it enough to see the dawn.  This morning, as I watched another glorious sunrise, I…

A Joyous Sufficiency

I’ve been adding more meditation time to my life and this has been a wonderful decision.  I was deeply encouraged by a dear friend (Thanks Gina!) to pursue this and…

When Docs don’t listen…

I have to thank my colleague Michelle May, M.D., CSP for recently posting links to two articles that I had missed in the past.  Both were very interesting.  But what…

Dancing with Body Diversity

I ran across a video in my feed yesterday and I have to admit made me smile.  It’s not perfect.  The song lyrics  have some problematic phrases.  And I wish…


Well, like everybody everywhere I’m thinking over 2014 and making plans for 2015.  At first I was a little worried that my post for today wouldn’t be all that original,…

“Guilt-Free Holiday Partying”

Hubby and I get started on some guilt-free holiday revelry at the Producer’s Guild Holiday Party. Over the past few weeks, the media has been requesting experts to comment on…

Hippocratic Hypocrisy?

An article recently released in Lancet magazine calls out some prominent researchers who presented at the Association for the Study for Obesity conference on September 16-17, 2014 in Birmingham, UK. …

Body Love is not a Pant Size

Let me be clear.  I think people should learn to love their bodies, full stop.  I don’t think they have to wait until they lose ten pounds to love their…

Kids, Bullying and Plastic Surgery

I was somewhat floored this weekend as I listened to a brief radio report on my local public radio station about kids and plastic surgery.  The story (which made reference…

All the Comebacks We’ll Never Say

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN3zrFBXynw?rel=0] TRIGGER WARNING: I’m going to talk about verbal abuse. So I don’t know if you got a chance to see this, but it’s pretty awesome. Chelsea Handler lays…

Hey! Don’t “Shop” My Kid!

The girls of South Park learn about Photoshop. Mahli had always been told that the birthmark on the side of her neck was a “beauty mark”.  So when the photos…

Marrying Me: A Day Full of Love

I hope you’ll forgive me for being a bit tardy.  You see, yesterday, October 14 was National Love Your Body day.  It was also the 19th anniversary of my marriage…

The Health Continuum

The day before I woke up in excruciating back pain, I gave a keynote address at a health conference.  And during that keynote I talked a lot about how we…

Radical Self Care

I am so excited to announce our new challenge on the Fit Fatties Forum called the RASCAL challenge.  This stands for Radical Activist for Self Care and Love.  In this…


Well I’m back here telling you that the pain in my back is, well, back.  Last week after I gave my speech at the Duarte Health Fair, I took a…

The Childhood Obesity Challenge

Uuuuugh!  Well we’re halfway through “Harass Kids About Their Weight Month” otherwise known as “Let’s Build Eating Disorders As Young As Possible Month” or “Childhood Obesity Awareness Month”.  I’ve mentioned…

Conducting Cloud Census, BRB

Hello dear readers, Just wanted to let you know that I haven’t dropped off the earth and (hopefully) haven’t been eaten by a bear.  I’m just dropping you a brief…

Don’t Slim me Down! Wooooo!

A very good friend of mine turned me on to the story of model Meaghan Kausman’s very public outcry over recently released images that have made heavy use of Photoshop…

Magic Beans

It all started this week with dimples.  This week I came across these photos demonstrating an early invention for creating dimples on the cheeks.  I had a fleeting moment where…

Time for a Little Self Care

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKrDAeNxtLA?rel=0] Coming off a very busy week after an incredibly busy weekend hosting the first annual Fat Activism Conference.  Over 30 hours of content with over 40 speakers in…

Dance Break at the Ball Park!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9TjLBu-BsQ?rel=0] We just finished the First Annual Fat Activism Conference and I am still a bit giddy. Of course there’s plenty of stuff we can do better next time.…

80 Odd Years of Happy

The title of this post might refer to the notion that you’ve been hearing that infernal song for 80 years.  But in this case it does not.  It refers to…

For People who Hate Exercise

First and foremost let me tell you that it is completely within your rights to hate exercise.   It is also completely within your rights not to do any exercise at…

BACK (sorta)

  Hello my dear readers.  As you may have noticed, I’ve been gone for a while.  Fortunately I had the opportunity to meet and speak with over 400 schoolteachers this…

Friday Dance Break

It’s been a tough week for me and in many ways a tough week for our country.  So I thought for today’s blog I would post a FRIDAY DANCE BREAK!…

A Different Sort of Tennis Star

You’d think since being rated the top Junior player in the United States, tennis phenom Taylor Townsend would be best known for her prowess on the court.  However, aside from…

When the Fat Chick Sings…

Sad, but oh so true. One thing that a lot of people don’t know about me is that I have a master’s degree in Opera Performance.  Yup, at one time,…

Is Godzilla Yo-Yo Dieting?

Japanese fans are up in arms about the new Americanized Godzilla’s hefty size–citing poor diet as cause for the unwelcome change. The trailers for the newest Godzilla film have hit…

Tutus, Wonder Women and Haters

Look at that fabulous picture up there.  Does it make you smile?  Think it’s a story about motivation and joy and taking back your own power? Sorry.  It’s a story…

Because I’m Happy…

I think one of the most difficult barriers I’ve encountered on my journey towards self acceptance is the constant barrage of input telling me that people in larger bodies can’t…

What is a “healthy weight”?

I have to admit I was taken aback when I was named one of “Healthy Weight Week’s Top-35 Healthy Weight Blogs”.  I am actually aware of “Healthy Weight Week” from…

All About Gifts

During this time of year, it’s pretty natural for us to think about gifts.  We’re frantically making finishing touches on the gifts we’ve yet to give, reflecting warmly about the…

Do I owe it to anybody to lose weight?

Ahhh, the holidays!  It’s a time for sharing food, family, friendship and GUILT.  I recently shared some thoughts about setting boundaries for the holidays here.  (And of course, there’s always…

What are the odds?

Hey there!  Sorry I haven’t blogged in a few days.  I’ve been on the roller coaster and hanging on for dear life.  Seems like that’s the way of it, doesn’t…


I had a chance to put some of my steps technique into practice yesterday as I jetted off on a last minute jaunt to New York City.  I’m going to…

Taking Your Spirit for a Walk

We’ve been talking a lot about pedometers and counting steps and walking towards physical fitness in the last few weeks.  But walking does a lot more than strengthen your body…

The Terror of a New Exercise Class

Signs that maybe that exercise class isn’t quite right for you… It’s Halloween time so I thought I would talk about one particularly scary situation.  We’ve all experienced the trepidation…

Fitness Training and Trash Talking

Did you know that it’s “Fat Talk Free” week?  I just found out yesterday and I’m super excited.  A whole week dedicated to not trash talking our bodies?!?  Sign me…

Knock it off, Michelle Obama!

AAAAAARRRRGGGH!  We’ve recently gotten news that Michelle Obama is to appear on the upcoming series of the television show, “The Biggest Loser”.  Apparently her topic will be somewhat benign.  She…

Stupid F@#!ing Injuries

Medic! If you’ve done any sort of exercise for any length of time you’ve probably experienced some sort of pain or injury.  I know.  I feel ya.  I’ve experienced injuries…

ROUND numbers–the 500th Post!

Well hello there!  Welcome to the 500th post on Fat Chick Sings!  It’s always great when we reach a ROUND number.  A 10-K, a 25th or 50th wedding anniversary, a…

Sharing Some Boogie Time

Folks of all ages whoop it up at Summerfest! As you may or may not know, I grew up near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  I grew up in a state known for…

What fitness looks like*

Today I was tagged in a post  by the super awesome Kimber Simpkins pointing me to a gorgeous new slideshow on Mind Body Green entitled I Am A Yogi.  It…

Hater Plate

The other day, I was waiting in the drive-thru for an iced tea to quench my thirst.  Delirious with the 100+ degree heat, I had to look twice when I…


Well a few weeks back, I issued a nudity challenge to y’all and I thought I’d check back with you to see the results.  As promised, I spent 15 minutes…

Proof Please

So very often these days we hear that the world has deemed to help the portly because they so desperately need help and the world is being nice–and stuff.  Millions…

The Tattooed Muppet Lady

I’ve been going back and watching old, OLD episodes of one of my favorite shows of all time, The Muppet Show.  It’s hard to explain what I love most about…


It’s August, and a lot of us are thinking about getting in those last summer vacations before school starts.  Last week was awesome but had a hellaceous  schedule that has…

Big Fat Yoga Pants

Yesterday a brouhaha was begun when former Lululemon employee Elizabeth Licorish told reporters that her former employers routinely discriminated against larger customers.  In other news, water is wet. I mean…

Boy Scouts, BMI and Managing Risk

Would the BSOA deem Russell “too fat” to go to camp? Yesterday, I read Ragen Chastain’s amazing post on the new policies implemented by the Boy Scouts of America regarding…

Our Big Fat Community

Working out at the ASDAH conference Over the past week, just after my return from ASDAH’s very successful conference,  I have seen a number of additional examples of our Amazing…

The Dubious Power of Pretty

It seems like everywhere I look in the last week or so, I’ve seen more and more stuff about the power of being pretty.  We’d love to deny it.  We’d…

When doctors are wrong.

I recently watched this video–a TED talk–by Dr. Peter Attia. You may have seen it as it’s become quite a viral sensation over the last few weeks. But even if…

Coming Home to our Bodies

If my blogging has been somewhat irregular this week, it’s because I’ve gone home.  I’ve gone to the house that my Mom and Dad and sister and I built with…

ADA Says Not All Fat is Bad

The ADA suggests that not all fat is “bad”. Well it certainly has been a week of ups and downs.  On the one hand, we had the very disturbing news…

On Doggie Diversity

It’s always amazing to me, just how hard it is for people to wrap their heads around size diversity.  They readily accept that some people are tall and some people…

The Tyrrany of Jolly

Canadian doc crew interviews the Size Diversity Task Force Recently, I hosted a Size Diversity Task Force meeting and a Canadian documentary film crew at our house.  They were interviewing…

Fat and Bad Knees

This ad for moisturizer suggests you use their body creme ” for sexy knees”. One of the things I am constantly told as a fat person is that for fat…

Paging Doctor Good…

Sometimes fat chicks have to shop a little harder to find a good doctor…   Well, yet another study has come out indicating that fat stigma is alive and well…

There’s No Time

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cch9ckGnOk] I have had so many reminders in the past 24 hours that no day is guaranteed.  None of us know when our time will be up.  From the…

Fashionably Impoverished

So I ran across THIS story this past week about Charlotte a fashion student in London who dared, DARED to make a plus-sized collection for her graduate project.  Unfortunately (but…

The Body’s Battle with Weight Loss

I recently ran across this little gem on Cracked.com entitled “Fat is Officially Incurable (According to Science)” which offers a surprisingly accurate portrayal about just how likely those “before” and…

The Other Side of INDD

My dear readers, today I was so moved by a blog that was created by a friend of mine, that I decided to link to it here.  With special thanks…

Redefining Female Superheroes

I recently came across this blog post about a young woman who dared to go to Comic Con and participate in a portfolio review to share some of her drawings…

Ads, Women and Mental Health

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKXit_3rpQ] I recently came across this lecture from Jill Kilbourne and wanted to share it with you.  In one of the classes I’ve been teaching we’ve been talking extensively…

Here we Go Again

I really wish I was making this stuff up.  Once again, we’ve got a blogger (female this time) spilling “ink” in a very public forum about the shape of the…

Talking about Bullying

This past Saturday, I  had the great privilege to speak on behalf of the Size Diversity Task Force at the Stop The Pain Anti Bullying Conference in Riverside.  I spoke…

Thursday Theater: Dancing Queen

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gtg-zINT8-c] It is difficult to describe just how happy this video makes me. You guys already know I have a thing for videos featuring spontaneous dancing. But unlike this…

Death and Taxes

Well we’ve survived another U.S. “tax day”, so I thought I’d share a little post about inevitability.  Most of us have heard this quote, “In this world, nothing is certain…

Desires–What I Wanna

I LOVE jammie time! Not all cravings are for food.  Sure, chocolate chip cookies are important, but there are other things in life.  And in learning to listen to what…

Mindful Eating

A friend of mine had the above picture in her facebook feed this morning and it got me thinking about mindful eating.  I gave it some thought, and I guess…


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXWUSwu0r9Q] Recently, a very dear friend sent me a link to this video.  I think it’s partly because she knows how I feel about cookies.  But it got me…

Doing Size Acceptance Like a Rock Star

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhszZ53SEC8] I ran across this old recording of an interview with Jim Morrison this week.  In this refreshingly frank discussion, Morrison asks, “what’s wrong with being fat”?  He recounts…

Spring Chicks

The first day of spring was a while back.  But I have to admit, for me spring starts with Easter.  This is a time of year where I yearn for…

After Happily Ever After…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diU70KshcjA] Watching this video really got me thinking.  It’s hilarious and awesome because it ties into something we all so desperately want to believe.  We want to believe in…

Why I am NOT Shopping at CVS

Employees of “Gattica” surrender a drop of blood for analysis before starting work each day. There’s been an awful lot of talk lately about CVS and their recent decisions regarding…

Young Guns in Self Acceptance

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASCruaLwRZc] I was excited to see this video on YouTube this week.  It’s so exciting to see fresh, young faces who are embracing elements of the size acceptance, size…

Hold Your Tongue, Fatty!

In the category of “not necessarily new, but new to me” I ran across this article about a doctor who claims that he can make you thin by sewing a…

Embracing Beginnerness (and Kitties!)

Based on your awesome feedback, I have balanced yesterday’s snark fest with this video of an adorable kitten just learning to walk.  You’re welcome. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5JFUK7tSWE] I’m not just posting…

Hollow Leg Days–FEED Me Seymour!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7SkrYF8lCU] I think one of the realities of intuitive eating is understanding that some days you are hungrier than others.  Some days I hardly think about food at all. …

Entitlement 101

I pulled into the parking lot at Best Buy today.  It was raining.  Now you should know that typically, Californians consider rain a deep, personal tragedy.  So, like most Californians…

The Courage to Try

In putting together my new college “Love Your Body” speech and in reading Ragen Chastain’s awesome blog post, one thing has been coming up over and over again.  That thing…

Take Yourself for a Walk

When the amazing and wonderful Velvet D’Amour asked me to come up with a workout for her new issue of Volup.2 she said that the theme was “simplicity”.  It really…

Ellen and the Biggest Bully

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1NHCbw51sM] I love the Ellen show.  I love the sweet, silly nature of it.  I  love the dance breaks.  I love Ellen’s work to end bullying.  So I was…

A Fatty Affair 2013 was Off the Hook!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGONJ5ZKvvg] If, like me, you were privileged enough to go to A Fatty Affair last weekend, I imagine you are still basking in the afterglow of what can only…

Resting Quietly

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A43JOxLa5MM] Okay, so the laryngitis has not let up.  In fact it’s gotten worse.  I included the video above to both approximate the only sound I am capable of…

Strengthening our Voices

Now with 36% more shout! This weekend I have been battling with a little rhinovirus-related laryngitis.  Which is a fancy way of saying the nasty gook from my latest head-cold…

What is Health?

One of my regular readers recently sent me a question about how I define health.  She was particularly interested in my definition, as she felt that most if not all…

Baby Steps

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to7uIG8KYhg] So often when it comes to integrating intuitive eating and moderate joyful exercise into our lives, we hear that we should take baby steps.  And by that, what…

Why I Write About Health

There are times when I and other fellow bloggers in the fatosphere are criticized for talking about fat and health.  We are accused of healthism and ableism.  We are told…

Okay, let’s get back to WORK!

I confess, the second day of the year is often a bit of a letdown for me.  We’ve been preparing and preparing for the holidays.  We’ve made (and distributed) over…

New Years Resolution Special Edition

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJeHJdLjPR0]Hello everybody.  Sorry the post is so late today, but I was working up the special treat you see in the video above.  I’ve been thinking a lot about…

Thursday Theater: Sled Dogs

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRSsxfu0F3o] Just in time for the new year, I present some very, very happy doggies sledding in the snow. I do this for two reasons. Reason #1: This video…


So often we feel the world does not offer up what we deserve.  We feel like while we work and slave and give, the world is stingy with its rewards. …

Tucking Myself In

Truth be told, I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep.  So I’m writing my blog tonight, turning in nice and early and planning to get up when my body…

Roll Models

It’s hard to say whether kids today have an easier time or a harder time with the whole size acceptance thing.  On the one hand, kids have access to a…

Body Intelligence or Body War?

This week, I’ve come across two very different approaches to young bodies in the media.  One is the announcement (and subsequent activism response by the amazing Golda Poretsky) that the…

Cranky Cookies

As you can see, my awesome husband and I went down and used the church kitchen and made a few cookies yesterday.  And by a few, I mean about 60…

The Holiday Magnifying Glass

The holidays are here with all the extra activities and fun and stress. Just to be clear, I love the holidays!  I love the decorations and the visiting and the…

Being in Flow

If being in flow makes me a lone wolf, I’ll howl at the moon… You know in this multitasking, multitrack, insanely busy world, I’d like to put in a word…

The Power of Being Wrong

Yesterday I posted a story about some women who verbally attacked me.  As I mentioned, I think these women were willing to go to these lengths of nastiness simply to…

Sit Down Piggy

Look, I captured a (feline) bully. “Sit down piggy.  You just sit yourself down you fat b@#$ch!”  My mouth hung open as I heard these words leveled at me at…

Thursday Theater: With a Thankful Heart

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpb9EbmvM5M] Good morning my dear Chicklettes! This Thanksgiving I am grateful for so many things! And, in addition to my wonderful heart, I am especially grateful for the amazing…


If you’re like me, you’ve got a fair amount of pre-holiday shopping to do.  While I don’t typically participate in the Black Friday shopping insanity, I do have to hit…

The Joy of Soup

While working like a maniac yesterday, I did manage to find time to make a little soup.  What a fabulous way to celebrate fall!  My household has just two members,…


  Thanksgiving is nearly here.  And even though I haven’t eaten my Thanksgiving dinner or begun to cook the cranberries or season the bird, I’m already feeling “stuffed”.  What is…

Thursday Theater: Pets Help Keep Us Fit

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsbudbdVHw0] While not all pets are as “talented” as the one pictured in this video, it is clear that pets (especially dogs) help us to keep fit. It is…


Fall is my absolute favorite time of year.  It brings blessed relief from the hot yucky weather of summer.  The leaves put on a fabulously seasonal fashion show.  It’s time…

Fat Activism’s Day in the Sun?

Well looking back, I’d have to say that this September and October have been pretty amazing months for fat activists.  Both Jennifer Livingston and Stella Boonshoft rose from obscurity and…

Size Acceptance Young and Old

I recently ran across this photo on Facebook and was floored by the brave beautiful young woman staring at me.  And when I read the post from Stella Boonshoft that…

Big Girls on the Red Carpet

Jeanette working the Red Carpet with the two directors of the Haute Curves Fashion Show for LA Fashion Week: Angela Rene’ AKA “The Purple Diva”, CEO of PurpleDivaDesigns.com and Jasmine…

Love and Marriage, Size XXL

Celebrated my 17th wedding anniversary with the most amazing man in the world yesterday!  What a lucky, lucky duck I am.   All together I have spent over 25 years and…

Thursday Theater: Sometimes You need a Boost

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUbY9T5VyXs&w=420&h=315] I’m having a busy/sleepy morning. And you know, sometimes it feels like I just can’t quite get there. Like I’m almost where I want to be, but I…

Filling the Barns

We had the house tented for termites this past weekend.  This is a rite of passage that nearly all Southern California folks go through at some point in their lives,…

The Ongoing Costs of Bullying

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUOpqd0rQSo] It seems like everybody is talking about what television anchor Jennifer Livingston said on air on WKBT in La Crosse, WI.  If you haven’t heard it yet, go…

Thursday Theater: Cats and Treadmills

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1k86fWsmRE] Okay, here’s the reality.  I love exercise, but I don’t love every form of exercise.  I love dance classes and I love walking outside and I love cross…

Why my Body has no Comment Button

Today on facebook I came across two different posts about how people in the world feel compelled to share their disappointment that not everybody in the world chooses to meet…

Thursday Theater: Confirmation Bias

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyXJ1sAQtaY&w=560&h=315] The video posted above is hilarious. I mean I LOL’d big time. But then I started thinking. I thought–what an amazing example of how our society filters information…

Another year older…

Okay, sorry kids.  The blog post is late today.  But I have an excuse.  You see I’m another year older.  Well technically, I’m only one day older than yesterday.  But…

Hating Fat But Not Fat People?

Gah!  If I had a dollar for every time I heard somebody say they aren’t fighting fat people, they are just fighting fat, I’d be a very rich woman.  And…

Finding Your Rhythm

The Fat Chick performing at a Taiko Drum Demonstration This morning I was dreaming about drumming.  I know, it’s weird.  But I was pounding away on a little tom tom…

Booty-shakin’ Good Time in The Big Apple!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5pIRNNZ4xw&w=560&h=315]   Hey Chicklettes!  Just thought you might like to check out some raw footage of our Hot Flash Mob in Manhattan!  Our Bi-coastal booty-shaking menopause-mamboing selves had a…

Free Advice

Let me tell you a secret. This blog feeds a need in me. I have a burning need to offer free advice. I have a compulsion to tell people what…

Taking Back the Beach

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtUiIX2GP6Y&w=420&h=315] Well kids, it’s been a video kinda week. But I wanted to share this amazing skit I created with my LA Rad Fatty Friends. It was super fun!…

Thursday Theater: The Dog Days of Summer

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ4qrHWdrXM] Oh my dears. They don’t call them the dog days of summer for nothin’. It’s been hot. I mean really, really hot. And sometimes exercising in the heat…

The Power of a Few Unkind Words: Project Runway Fail

[brightcove vid=1801239087001&exp3=34284451001&surl=http://c.brightcove.com/services&pubid=1578086874&pk=AQ~~,AAAAAF4Psdo~,VHRSAKDeoHkslgOFpvEewbCdoNHqT8LI&lbu=http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/project-runway#video&w=300&h=225] Well the world is buzzing with the recent antics of new Project Runway “super villain” Ven Budhu.  Apparently the past week’s challenge was to create looks for average…

The Power of a Few Kind Words

Over the weeks and months that I’ve been writing this blog, a number of you have left nice messages in the comments.  I wonder if you realize the impact you…

The Next Big Crime for Women: Getting Older

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnx95KyQEAA] Yup, after getting fat, it seems the next deadliest sin for women is getting older.  Unlike so many societies in the world that revere and honor people as…

What Everybody Knows

I got yet another comment on the video of Julianne and I on Fox News as posted on my YouTube channel congratulating us for saying that plus-sized people should feel…


Wear what feels good to YOU! Well it was hot in So Cal this past weekend so I did what every single other red-blooded California resident did and I went…

How to Never Clean Your House

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrnoR9cBP3o&w=420&h=315] With the extremely hot (well at least for LA) weather we’ve been having I can tell you that our house is dirty.  Not a little bit, needs some…

Dive Right In

This happy bear shows off his great diving form… In honor of the Olympics diving competitions, I thought I’d present this awesome looking bear and make a little suggestion.  So…

Ripples on the Pond

At the Blogging Panel at the NAAFA Convention with some amaaazing ladies! One of the things I loved past about this past weekend at the NAAFA convention was the blogging…

Reducing A World Title to a Hairdo

I’d like to talk today about another way that obsession with thinness reduces us.  I wasn’t always a person who spoke out on behalf of HAES(R) and Size Acceptance.  For…

Thursday Theater: Knee Stress

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHVcZ0fRFM0&w=560&h=315] Here’s a video about dealing with stress of a whole different kind: knee stress. Here’s some basic information about protecting these amazing and wonderful joints. Love, The Fat…

4-Legged Stress Relievers

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bmhjf0rKe8&w=420&h=315]   There is a lot of evidence out there that pets are a great way to relieve stress in our lives.  That’s not to say they are stress-free. …

Dealing with Stress

It’s so interesting to me that so many discussions about health begin and end with losing weight.  As I mentioned, the need for a decent night’s sleep is rarely discussed. …

The right to bare arms

In my previous post declaring body independence I asserted “I have the right to expose my fleshy arms as I embrace my freedom”. And I firmly believe this. Yet I…

The Gift of Sufficiency

There is no doubt that our country has been through some tough economic times lately.  Many of my friends are without work.  And many of my friends are working hard…

Thursday Theater: Exercise for People of Size

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG6IEtljLKE] Steppin’ out can include stepping into an exercise program. In this week’s video I talk about how to maintain physical and emotional safety while exercising in a big…

Haters Gonna Hate

When you’re THIS awesome, some people just can’t handle it! Yesterday, in our talk about stepping out, we discussed the notion that often you don’t know what’s in a person’s…

Gone Fishin’

Don’t worry. The Fat Chick will be back soon! Hello my dear chicklettes.  I don’t want you to feel neglected.  I’m out with my family for a much-needed recharge!  New…

Finding the Right Training Program

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEQa3jbo4Gw&w=560&h=315]   Okay my little secret agents in training.  Looking for the right program to get you started?  Here’s a little video about how to find the class that’s…

I expect you to DIE(T) Mr. Bond.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1TmeBd9338] My husband and I have been watching a lot of vintage James Bond lately.  So  this morning when I was trying to decide what to write in my…

Finding Help: Buyer Beware

When it comes to fitness, if it hurts, DON’T DO IT! So far this week we’ve been talking about helping others. And I’m a BIG fan of that. Today we’re…

Exercise Animals: Getting a Little Lift

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f02-6EX7rok&w=420&h=315]   Okay my dear little chicklettes.  Sometimes it can be tough.  But it’s amazing how far we can fly when we help one another.  That is all. Love,…

Is Exercise Sexy?

  [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbsSeVr5NSI&w=420&h=315] The Shake Weight demonstrates the sex/fitness connection, sort of, well not really… I saw one of those ads for athletic shoes the other day.  You know, one…

Olympic-levels of FUN!

The Fat Chick with Olympian Cheryl Haworth, Filmmaker Julie Wyman and awesome producer Barbara Multer-Wellin at the Pasadena screening of Strong! I am so excited and blessed that my dear…

But won’t you lose weight if…?

At the San Bernardino Valley College screening of “Strong!” Last night at the panel discussion after the screening of StrongI at the San Bernardino Valley College, I got asked a…

Some seriously strong chicks!

body love
Check out me and HELLGA (Robin Coleman) from American Gladiators posing at the Operation Fitness Red Carpet in Culver City last weekend!  It was super fun and I was so…

Exercise Animals: Muscle Buildin’

Check out this little guy.  Clearly he’s been doing his resistance training to have created such magnificent biceps.  There’s lots of reasons to consider resistance (weight) training like: stronger bones,…

Being “Strong”

I was on a panel last night at a screening of Strong, Julie Wyman’s new documentary for PBS Independent Lens.  The movie chronicles the life and career of female Olympic…

Spring Cleaning: Making Room

Sometimes ya gotta throw the bums out! Call me old-fashioned, but like Ms. Franklin said, “A little R-E-S-P-E-C-T” is what is needed here.  I find that relationships can manage to…

The Playground Pecking Order

I’ve had a recent experience which has really shaken me up and brought back a lot of drama and stuff that I thought I had vanquished in adolescence.  Yeah right. …

Getting Ready for Swimsuit Season

 Now that we’re through the resolution craze of New Years and the thwarted crazy expectations of Valentine’s Day (alas no Lexus with a giant red bow on top for ME)…

The futility of shame

Lately the Strong4Life campaign in Georgia has received a lot of publicity and a LOT of pushback.  For those of you who aren’t familiar, this is a group of ads…


Yup, I’m pretty sure I both want and need a reboot.  I’ve been running around like headless poultry for several weeks now and I’m looking forward to a night off. …

Yee Haw!

That foreground shadow–that’s me on Fremont Street in Las Vegas during the BBW Bash last week.  For those of you who don’t know, the BBW Vegas Bash is one amazing…

Coming out of the Desert

Sometimes writing a book can seem like crossing a long, barren desert.  It’s a solitary pursuit.  Often you stagger around and encounter no one.  You just step over the bleached…

Viva La Revolution!

Well it’s the second full week of January and by now I’ll bet some of the shine has fallen off those New Year’s resolutions.  You know, the ones you fervently…

Stuff that Weighs More Than Me: Fire Engine

@font-face { font-family: “Times New Roman”;}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }div.Section1 { page:…

Too Darn Hot! (Happy New Year)

Well it’s the beginning of a new year and I’m starting us off with a picture of a fire extinguisher.  There’s really two reasons for this.  One, is that my…

Feel the rain and do it anyways.

One of the primary lessons I’ve learned in getting and staying fit is that exercise sessions often don’t go as planned.  Your exercise buddy doesn’t show up, the class is…

A Big Fat Juicy Kiss!

(Fantastic Photo by Kelly Varner) After the flap over the now infamous Maura Kelly blog post on MarieClaire.com about how she felt that fat people kissing or indeed walking across…

Eat, Move, Live, and SHARE

I’m so excited!  I’ve been invited by the City of Hope to present fitness information and demonstrations as part of their Eat, Move, Live series.  In these sessions I meet…

Acting Like a Kid Again

My newfound FAME, in the Pasadena Star News led to an opportunity to teach at a kids health camp in Duarte last week.  I led a 45-minute exercise class with…

Being Seen

Well, to say that it’s been a while since I’ve posted is, um, an understatement.  But I’ve got an excuse!  I’m busy out there in the world being SEEN.  This…

Thai Green Fishies

I promised to give you some fish recipes, so here goes.  This one is for Thai green curry fish and it’s adapted from a recipe in Sunset magazine.  Yummy! 1…

Under Where?

Under there is your underwear!  In our ongoing series on sexy, I want to tell you one thing.  Even if you’re the only one who sees them, you need some…

Now I KNOW I’m sexy

Many times, in the deep dark past, I let a number on a scale tell me each day whether or not I was sexy.  Goal weight?  Sexy.  10 pounds down? …

Big Girls Get Some Too

It’s amazing how many people have the idea that fat chicks don’t have sex.  Some believe, we’re so far from the female ideal fed to us by the media and…

Sexberry Series Part two.

Well, I’m happily nomming all those strawberries and I have to say they are delicious.  And after a little googling I found a study conducted by some scientist-type-guys that show…


It’s so funny how the mind works isn’t it?  This week I went to the Farmer’s market in Monrovia and picked up some of the sweetest, juiciest and most luscious…

A Saucy Little Salmon

I’m constantly looking for yummy, easy, healthy fish recipes and I recently found this gem for broiled salmon.  It’s super easy! Salmon with Sweet Chili Glaze, Sugar Snap Peas, and…

Getting off the Fast Food Train

We recently stopped at McDonalds on our way to a trade show in Vegas.  The McDonalds had converted rail cars–which is where we sat.  As you can see from the…

What Eliza Can Teach Us.

Spent the day at the horse races at Santa Anita Park.  We had won some tickets to the fancy “Turf Club” at a silent auction at my church.  Everybody was…

Exercise Superstar!

I realize I’ve been promising to share some info with you about our big video shoot for weeks now.  Well better late than never, I guess!  In late March, we…

Please Stand By

Well my commitment to blogging every day has frankly flagged somewhat.  But my commitment to my project, of sharing The Fat Chick has grown exponentially.  So how to classify?  Should…

Mourning the Old Ways

Periodically, (okay–all the time) I run into folks who think I am crazy for my belief.  They cling to the idea that only thin people can be healthy and their…

The Power of Play

I think a lot of times as adults we lose one of the most important tools in our get happy, be happy, stay happy arsenal.  That tool is the power…

Changing it Up

Yesterday, I was able to take a dance class that I once loved but don’t often find the time to get to these days.  All my old friends were there…

Stuff that Weighs More than Me: Giant Laser

Yup, don’t mess with California, we’ve got a freakin’ giant laser here people.  The National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will focus 192 laser beams on a hydrogen pellet…

Starting Fresh: A Brand New Day

  I’m  up early this morning as usual, and I’m reminded why I like mornings so much.  At this time of the day, everything is fresh and everything is new. …

Please sir, may I have some Maoi?

The giant maoi are statues found on Easter Island. The statues are thought to be generalized depictions of various important tribal chiefs. So far 887 maoi have been located on…

Procrastination: and L.O.S.T.

Sometimes I have problems with exercise procrastination. I admit it. But my little chickadees that’s nothing compared to my problems with procrastinating on my writing projects. No matter how well…

Baby Steps: Glued Butt

Recently I went to a social gathering (a real one with drinks and stuff, not a virtual one) and I spoke with an editor friend of mine.  He was complaining…

Being your own darn Valentine

OMG there are few holidays better designed to sow anxiety, stress and deep depression than Valentines day.  This is the time of year where my husband and I giggle and…

Declaring Freedom

As of today, right now, I am declaring and asserting my right to freedom.  I am free to wear colors other than black.  I am free to wear clothes that…

Lemme Off the Merry Go Round

So we’ve discussed all four elements of the Big Fat Cycle:1. Panic (Omigod I’ve gotta do something).2. Fantasy (I’m going to look like a GODDESS!  I’m going to win an…

Despair: Watch for Falling Grace

The thing about despair (major or minor) is that it causes us to obsessively look inward.  The thing about grace is it’s unexpected and undeserved.  It literally comes from nowhere. …

Despair: Making a U-Turn

Despite all the agony of realizing that you’ve been sprinting down the wrong road, the only way you’ll leave despair and get back to a happier, better you is to…

Lady Liberty

The Statue of Liberty (not including its base)Height of statue from the base to the top of the torch: over 151 ft.Length of nose: 4 ft. 6 inchesShoe Size based…

That’s no…

If you’re talking about a tall tale, I can’t say. If you’re talking about the critter 1200-2000 lbs. Conclusion:  At least the four legged furry variety of bull weighs more…

Despair: Always and Never

We’ve been talking about the big fat cycle and leading up to the big dark daddy–despair.  This is when we’ve enjoyed the magical thinking, built up the fantasy and fallen…

Would You Like to Buy It?

Total length of bridge, including the part on land: 5,989 feet  Total height of the bridge towers above water: 276 feet and 6 inches  Height of bridge towers below water:…

Shish, boom, bah!

The Spirit of Troy, also known as the University of Southern California Trojan Marching Band (TMB), has over 300 members. Given a variety of instruments ranging from a piccolo (1.5…

Surrender: Use What You Got

My sister sent me a link to this amazing video today: Why not take a few minutes to take a look.  I promise it will be worth your while.  Bring…


Weights of Typical American Tanks: 1. 6 tons WW1 M1917 Renault Tank 2. 30 tons WW2 M-4 Sherman Tank 3. 52 tons Vietnam War M-48 Patton Tank (Vietnam War: 17…

Surrender: Giving Up Gracefully

So all the month of January, we’ve been travelling around the Big Fat Cycle.  So far we’ve discussed   Step One: Panic–(“Oh my gosh, I got fat over the holiday–I…

Here come’s the…

The rain has finally stopped and we got some of that glorious CA sunshine this morning.  It got me thinking about the size of that bad boy… Specs: Diameter: about…

Fantasy: Elbows Rubbed

Well it just shows to go ya!  I went to the PGA awards and met one of my true idols Joss Whedon.  My colleague Van and I did his presentation…

Fantasy: Before and After

At this time of year it seems you can’t flip on the TV or open a newspaper or magazine without being inundated by those weight loss ads with “before” and…

Baby, it’s cold outside!

Growing up, we always heated our house in Wisconsin with firewood.  We often gathered the wood from trees that were knocked over anyways during construction of new housing projects.  It…

Rain, rain, go away…

We are getting dumped on here in usually sunny California.  So much so, I thought about getting one of these rain barrels. Capacity: 50 GallonsWeight of Barrel: 16 pounds Weight…

Fantasy: Reality Check

So we talked about all the fantasies we’ve had about how much fun we’d have if we were thin.   You know, if the Fat Chick Fairy came and magically changed…

Beep, Beep.

This smart car is one of the lightest cars built.  It can even park perpendicular to the curb in a standard parallel parking spot.  But even this car weighs over…

Winner by a Yard

Object: 1 Cubic Yard of ConcreteWeight: 3300 lbs.Conclusion: A Cubic Yard of Concrete weighs more than me.

Fantasy: Shopping for a New Life

I went shopping today, for a new dress.  But not just any new dress.  I was buying a cocktail dress for a formal Hollywood Awards Show I’m attending this weekend. …

Thats alota sauce-a

Although I sometimes think I could eat the biggest pizza in the world all by myself, the truth is, I probably couldn’t. The largest pizza ever baked (according to The…

Sometimes, heavy helps

Object: Cargo of a Red Cross Plane bound for HaitiReason: Delivering food, medicines and supplies to an area ravaged by an earthquakeCargo Weight: Over 40 tons Conclusion: Sometimes being heavy…

One a day, keeps the doctor away

There are more than 7,000 varieties of apples grown in the world.The apples from one tree can fill 20 boxes every year.Each box weighs an average 42 pounds.So one tree…

Coping with Panic: Sorting

So, we recognized panic, took a mind clearing walk, stopped to engage our brains and we made a list.  Outside of eating that paper list out of sheer frustration, what’s…

Big as a House…

How big is the Average American House? The Formula:   The basic ratio of square footage to weight for a home is 2000 pounds or 1 ton per square foot…


Object: Windmill Tower outside of Palm Springs, CAHeight: Up to 300 ft.Weight: The compartments at the top containing the generator, hub and gearbox weigh 30,000 to 45,000 pounds. Conclusion: A…

Coping with Panic: Flight

When we are in panic mode, our bodies are urgently prepared for fight or flight.  And while you may be tempted to fight–especially if there’s some dunderhead that made some…

Tinkling the Ivories…

Steinway Model D Grand Piano Introduced in: 1884 Available in: Mahogany, Walnut, Rosewood & Ebony Length: 8′ 10 3/4”Width: 4′ 6”Weight: 990 lbs  Conclusion: A Steinway Model D Grand Piano…


There is little nourishment in the world as important or as satisfying as spending time with a good friend.  Someone to share your joys and your sorrow.  A shoulder to…


Sometimes there is nothing quite as nourishing as 8 glorious hours of uninterrupted sleep.  After spending the last 4 days working nonstop at a convention for one of my clients,…


There are several grades of ice that can be used for sculpture. Crystal clear ice is made with more water circulating during the process and better quality water. A large ice…

Tour Eiffel

Mais Oui.  C’est grande! She’s a big one: 2.5 million rivets 40 tons of paint Total Height: 1052 feet, 4 inches Total tower weight 9441 tons Conclusion: The Eiffel Tower…

Construction Deconstruction

More common in Las Vegas than surefire tips for winning at blackjack and polyester pants is the construction crane. Statistics: Maximum Unsupported Height: 265 feet Maximum Lifting Power: 19.5 tons…


Sometimes a girl or guy, just needs to be pampered.  From the tippy top of your head to your teeny, tiny toes.  Yesterday, I went and got a pedicure.  This…

Nourishment–Breathing Space.

This morning I saw the most glorious, ravishing, rosy, glowing sunrise you can imagine.  For just a moment, I wasn’t worried about the giant, stressful, insane trade show I have…

That’s cold, man.

Object: Sub Zero Side By Side RefrigeratorDimensions: 36 inches wide, by 7 ft. tall by 27 inches deepWeight: 492 poundsConclusion: Even empty, a Sub Zero Fridge weighs more than me.


You could spend a lifetime moaning and complaining that nobody buys you flowers.  Or you could simply go to the local Trader Joes or farmers market or grocery store and…